Poll tax protesters 1990 006

History of The Poll Tax

By kha7241
  • Anti-Poll Tax Union

    Anti-Poll Tax Union
    The first of the APTUs were set up in Maryhill Glasgow, it had over 2,000 members. By November 1989 there were over 1,000 local APTUs in England.
  • Poll Tax Intoduced

    Poll Tax Intoduced
    A new law was passed to introduce the new tax in Scotland. Everybody had tp pay the same amount of tax regardless of their property or class. All those over 18 were liable, with the exception of the homeless and the severely mentally impaired.
  • The Battle of Trafalgar Square

    The Battle of Trafalgar Square
    It started of as a normal sprng day until the streets of London turned into a warzone, 200,000 protesters turned up and started a riot. Bottles, rocks and stones were thrown at the police. Shop windows were smashed and shops were looted.
  • Poll Tax introduced to the rest of Britain

    The new law introduced in 1987 was passed and applied to the rest of Britain (with the exception of Northern Ireland)
  • Poll Tax ended

    Poll Tax ended
    The poll tax was abolished in 1993, it was estimated that £2.5 billion of the tax was still inpaid.