Printer created
more informationRemington-Rand created the first high speed printer for the Univac computer -
EARS printer created
more informationThis is the first laser printer created by Xerox Palo Alto Reseach Center in California -
The Altair 8800 Created
The AltairThis is the first personal computer was created by Micro Instrumentation and Telemetry Stystems. It was a mail order do-it-yourself kit for the personal computer. -
Microsoft was formed
Microsoft storeHarvard students Paul G. Allen and Bill Gates took the money they made from making the language of the Altair 8800 and created the Microsoft company -
Apple II created
apple 11 This computer had a color screen and a keyboard for typing. To make this computer useful the creators encouraged programers to create applications for the ocmptuer. -
Commodore PET
more infoThis computer was featured in "Popular Science" Magazine and had strong sale in European business -
more informationIntroducted by Radio Shack with a momchrome display with 4 KB of RAM. Its circuitry is located underneath the keyboard and was widley popular with consumers -
Osbourne computer created
osbourne This was the first portable computer that had a 5-inch screen and weighted 24.5 pounds. It had 64 kilobytes of RAM and two floppy disk drives, -
IBM PC 5150
more information This computer was marketed to both business people anc consumers alike. It had 64 KB to 256 KB of RAM with an optional floppy disk drive.