History of the medical field

  • 500


    break outs of leprosy begain. The outbreak peaked in the 1200's
  • Period: 500 to Sep 9, 1350

    Middle Ages

  • Sep 11, 1000

    surgery was concedered a profession

    this helped standardize and make the evolution progress quicker
  • Sep 9, 1200

    Islamic hospitals

    Islamic hospitals
    The Koran encouraged the healthy to help the sick and so many hospitals were founded due to the scripture
  • Sep 9, 1300

    Jacoba Felicie trial

    Jacoba Felicie was practicing medicine without a licence so she could help woment who did not want to be embarrased by going to male doctor, however she was forbidden to practice medicine after that.
  • Period: Sep 9, 1300 to


  • Sep 11, 1347

    Black Death

    Black Death
    The Black Death was killing many people throughout this time because the sanitaton was nonexistnt
  • Sep 11, 1400

    Medical Books

    Medical Books
    medical books made it so people could become educated, however being had written they were not very accesable
  • Sep 11, 1439

    Printing press

    Printing press
    The printing press made it easy to spread medial documentts to many people and therefore made procedures easier to spread
  • Sep 8, 1445

    First vaccine for influenza

  • Sep 8, 1500


    A swiss alchemis and physican that thought that each sickness must have their own cure or medicine
  • Sep 8, 1540

    Ambroise Pare

    A french doctor that started use more humane methods like sewing wounds shut instead of cauterizing them
  • Sep 11, 1545

    first anatomy book

    first anatomy book
  • Heart

    William Harvey found that the heart cirulates blood througout the body
  • microscopes

    Robert Hooke built a reglecting microscope and it made it easier for people to dignose illnesses
  • Human anatomy

    People had started to map the body. The church had forbidden it for many years, however it clared up many beliefs
  • Period: to

    Industrial Revolution

  • Small Pox Vaccine

    Small Pox Vaccine
    Jenner took fluid from cow pox and admistered to the skin of James Phipps and it kept him from getting sick
  • Sir Humphy Davy- anestetic

    Sir Humphy Davy decovered the anesthetic properties of nitrous oside, howerver people did not use it for around 45 years
  • First vaccine for cholera

  • First vaccine for anthrax

  • First vaccine for rabies

    First vaccine for rabies
  • invention of the X-Ray

    invention of the X-Ray
    A German physicist, Wihelm Conrad Rontgen was experimenting with electron beams in a gas discharge tube and he realized that a screen was glowing
  • Asprin was invented

    Asprin was invented
    Bayer wanted a less irritating replacement for standard salicylate medicines, afterward he sold it all over the world
  • Period: to

    Modern times

  • First successful human blood transusion

    Landsteiner's ABO blood typing technique was used
  • Successful heart-lung machine

    Successful heart-lung machine
    Dr. John H. Gibbon, Jr. used the heart-lung machine fro a extracorporeal circulation of the cat while in surgery. Now it is a commonly used in human sugery
  • First vaccine for yellow fever

    First vaccine for yellow fever
  • First vaccine for typhus

    First vaccine for typhus
  • Blood rejection is realized

    Austrian-American Karl Landsteiner found that blood sometimes isn't compatible with people
  • Rhazes discovers difference between smallpox and measles

    Rhazes took notes and he finaly found the differance between the two. HIs findings were used until the 1800's