
History of the Medical Field

  • 200

    Middle Ages

    Middle Ages
  • 200

    Galen; Tracheotomy

    Galen performs first Tracheotomy
  • 300


    Barber-surgeons began to cut hair, perfom surgeries, and even the barber pole symbol got popular.
  • Sep 8, 1000


    Medical becomes more widespread and regulated.
  • Sep 9, 1010

    Medical Encyclopedia

    The First Medical Encyclopedia was created in 1000 by an Islamic scientist by the name of Avicenna.
  • Jan 1, 1300


  • Sep 8, 1300

    Church hospitals

    Islamic hospitals and Christian monasteries are founded to treat the ill and provide health care for the sick.
  • Sep 9, 1350

    End of Middle Ages

  • Sep 9, 1350

    Anatomy Laws

    The Study of Human anatomy was allowed as long as the body was dead.
  • Sep 9, 1543

    Anatomy book

    Andreas Vesalius published a very explicit book on the human anatomy.
  • Scientific method

    Scientist begin to develop and use the scientific method.
  • Printing Press

    The Printing Press allows for more publication of new medical discoveries,
  • First Reflective Microscope

    Robert Hooke creates the very first reflective microscope, which later leads to the study of microbiology.
  • Antonie and Bacteria

    Antonie Van Leeuwenhoek describes bacteria to the general public.
  • Bacon and Microscope

    Franics Bacon uses a microscope to discover plague fleas
  • End of Renaissance

  • Industrial Revolution

    Industrial Revolution
  • First Vaccination

    In 1796, Edward Jenner discovered the first vaccination for small pox.
  • Cholera

    John Snow stops the outbreak of cholera between drinking water.
  • Microbiology

    Louis Pasteur discovered the study of microbiology through pasteurized milk.
  • Pathogens

    Robert Koch discovered that pathogens were the source of some diseases by testing some on his son, thus beginning the study of bacteriology.
  • Soap

    Joseph Linder insisted on the use of soap when washing hands for doctors before they move to another patient.
  • Radioactive

    Marie Curie discovers radioactive substances that leads to her discovery of radioactive science.
  • End of Industrial Revolution

  • Modern World

    Modern World
  • Penicillin

    Alexander fleming discovers penicillin when he discovers an odd looking mold forming from one of his substances in his lab.
  • Healthcare insurance

    The first form of healthcare insurance was created.
  • Polio

    Doctor Salk discovers a vaccination for the polio disease.
  • AZT

    The AZT Drug is used to try to combat the disease AIDS.
  • Managed Healthcare

    The first managed healthcare system is created and less people are uninsured.
  • Gardasil

    The Gardasil vaccination for to prevent cervical cancer is approved by the FDA.
  • End of Modern World

  • Smallpox vs. Measles

    Persian doctor, Rhazes discovers difference between smallpox and measles.
  • First Med School

    The First Medical School was started in Salerno, Italy.