Period: 500 to Dec 31, 1500
Middle Ages
Sep 10, 1300
Barber-Surgeons performed surgery to treat injuries & cataracts; amputated limbs & burned the stumps to seal blood vessels; practiced bloodletting
Sep 11, 1322
Jacoba Felicie was tried for practicing medicine without licence
Sep 11, 1350
physicians learned by reading books & training with experienced doctors; women weren't allowed to practice medicine
Sep 11, 1380
religious instruction based on the Koran taught followers social responsibilities
Sep 11, 1392
teachings of Christian Church encouraged followers to help the sick & needy
Sep 11, 1405
local healers served in monasteries
Period: Jan 1, 1500 to
The Renaissance
Sep 10, 1500
printing press invented
scientific method came into use in Europe
Doctors used the scientific method
microscope invented
studies of human anatomy
Robert Hooke built one of first reflecting microscopes
Edward inoculated people with fluid from cowpox blisters
Period: to
The Industrial Revolution
Edward Jenner discovered that milkmaids exposed to cowpox didn't get smallpox
Louis Pasteur carried out experiments that became basis for modern microbiology
introduction to machines
Robert Koch discovered that pathogens are source of some diseases
Joseph Lister was ridiculed for insisting on use of carbolic soap to clean handsfor doctors & disinfect instruments
progress in medicine
Stethoscope invented
blood cells, bacteria, & protozoa able to be seen with microscope
use of ether as an anesthetic began; painless surgery
Period: to
Modern Times
rapid growth in healthcare
technology advances
antibiotics invented
discoveries in computer science & electronics
advances in engineering, chemistry, & physics
Radium discovered for cancer treatment
organ transplants are more successful
surgeries performed with computerized equipment
preventative care & diagnostic screening improve wellness & increases in life expectancy
Physicians and patients don't need to be in same room or country to give treatment or advice
Rhazes discovered difference between measles and smallpox