history of the isralities

  • Period: 1800 BCE to 1445 BCE

    the book of exodus

  • 1446

    iralities groan into slavery

    the isralities groaned into slavery and cried out , and there cry for help because there slavery went up to god
  • 1446

    moses sent to deleiver israel

    moses encounters god in a burning bush which leads him to help the isralities escape
  • 1446

    the ten plagues of egypt

    water turning into blood , frogs, lice,flies, livestock pastilence, boil, hails, locust , darkness and the killing of the first born children
  • 1446

    the exodus begins

    Exodus begins in the Egyptian region called Goshen. The people then traveled out of Egypt and, it is traditionally believed, moved toward the southern end of the Sinai Peninsula
  • 1446

    preparations of the tabernacle

    portable tent that housed the Ark of the Covenant, where YHWH stated that he would leave His presence with the Children of Israel as they wandered the desert
  • 1446

    the isralities of mount sanai

    Moses led the Hebrews to a new camp near Mount Sinai. God spoke to Moses and gave him a message for the people. God promised to make Israel into a special nation, His “treasured possession among all peoples,” if they would obey His commands
  • 1446

    moses receives the commandments

    the absolutes of spiritual and moral living that God intended for his people
  • 1446

    moses receives the law

    Received the Ten Commandments, or decalogue, with laws Yahweh had given the Israelites
  • 1446

    the golden calf and moses anger

    His anger “burned hot” and he threw the stone tablets, which contained God's laws, on the ground and broke them
  • 1446

    the journey resumes

    The LORD orders Moses to lead the people out of Sinai; it's time to go to the land God promised to Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, the land flowing with milk and honey. However, God will not accompany them, because they are “a stiff-necked people
  • 1446

    the tabernacle is erected and filled

    The tabernacle was now built, and its furnishings were now in place. Then it happened that the cloud covered the tent of meeting, and the glory of the Lord filled the tabernacle
  • 1486

    moses fled into midian

    yawah (god) revealed himself in a burning bush and called moses to deleiver
  • 1525

    the birth and adoption of moses

    to save her from her infant son , jachabad placed him in a basket and hid him among the reed of the nile river
  • 1539

    pharaohs order to kill firstborn

    pharaoh decreed that every newborn hebrew male be killed
  • israelites oppressed by new king

    they decided opress the israelites with hard labor in an effort to reduce the number of israelites
  • Israelites multiply in egypt

    the more they affilicted them, the more they multiplied and grew
  • jacob’s family stay in egypt

    jacob’s family is allowed to stay in egypt because of joseph and is blessed by god