History of the Internet by Aleene Fried

  • Lawerence Roberts

    Lawerence Roberts
    The Packet-switching network idea was thought of by Lawerence Roberts, which consisted of using packets between two computers to create communication between them.
  • Arpanet

    The first ever form of communication between two computers was sent and received. This occurred in in UCLA through a program in a research lab ran by ARPANET.
  • Electronic Mail

    Electronic Mail
    The first software for reading and sending emails was written by Ray Tomlinson. Then it was expanded into a utility program by Roberts, meaning it allowed users to respond to, file and do other aspects of messages.
  • First PC Modem

    First PC Modem
    Dale Heatherington and Dennis Hayes who worked for Apple computers showed their work earlier that year. Finally on June 10, the public was able to buy these computers which used their 80-103 modem at home.
  • First Spam

    First Spam
    Garry Thuerk sent the first ever Spam advertising computers. It was on the Arpanet network but only about 300 people received it.
  • Ethernet

    3COM begins developing Ethernet which allows for local area networks to be created. Due to Metcalfe's company creating them for home computers and workstations.
  • First Emoticon

    First Emoticon
    A computer scientist in America by the name of Scott Fahlman suggested the first smiley emoticon.
  • First Domain Registered

    First Domain Registered
    After the Domain Name System was put into effect, the first domain was created in 1985. By a manufacturing company for computers called symbolics.com.
  • IRC Released

    Internet Relay chat was one of the building block for instant messaging. This software allowed users to chat with other PC users almost instantly.
  • The Morris Worm

    The Morris Worm
    This was the first attack made on the internet, done by Robert Tappah Morris. A huge chunk of the internet was affected by this worm causing chaos through the internet through huge interruptions. According to Morris he was trying to distinguish Arpanet's size on the internet.
  • World Wide Wed Created

    World Wide Wed Created
    While working at CERN's research center Tim Berners-Lee wanted to keep up with other nations and connect their systems to others internally. So he came up with a network and started to create a detailed plan of it.
  • Launch of First Search Engine

    Launch of First Search Engine
    The Archie Index was launched as the first search engine. It was created and designed by Alan Emtage who was working on a college project.
  • First Public Server

    First Public Server
    Berners-Lee opened access to the public of the new World Wide Web. Allowing the general population to search the internet in range for free.
  • AOL Goes Public

    AOL Goes Public
    Quantum Computer Sciences decide to change their name and eventually go public as American Online. Giving them the opportunity to go big by 1995 with their use number around 1 million.
  • First Webcam

    First Webcam
    At Cambridge University, the first webcam was turned on. It was made in the computer lab for one strange reason, to monitor the coffee pot. The webcam was available to the public the following year.
  • Windows 95

    Windows 95
    This new operating system created and released by Microsoft had advancements from all their other products.
  • HoTMaiL

    Jack Smith and Sabeer Bhatia worked together and came up with the first web-based email system. Within two years of Hotmail's release, it became the biggest email service.
  • Six Degrees

    Six Degrees
    Six Degrees was the first form of a social media network available. Since it allowed users to make a personal profile by signing up with their email and being able to connect with friends by adding them to their profile.
  • Wifi Approved

    Wifi Approved
    WaveLan passed their 802.11 version of Wifi to the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers(IEEE). It was approved in the same year and became the standard IEEE.
  • Drudge Report

    "Monicagate", the first news story to break in a major way through the internet was released. Drudge Report posted the scandal between Monica Lewinsky and Bill Clinton after the story being delayed by Newsweek.
  • Google

    Serge Brin and Larry Page launch their search engine, Google. After this point, the way people got online information was now revolutionized by Google Search.