History of the internet

  • 1969: ARPANET, the precursor to the internet, is established, connecting four U.S. universities.

    1969: ARPANET, the precursor to the internet, is established, connecting four U.S. universities.
    4 big universities in the unites states collaborated into creating the first initial four-node network in the world and it allowed universities to share work, information, knowledge faster then any other so they created a trend.
  • 1971: Ray Tomlinson sends the first email, revolutionizing digital communication.

    1971: Ray Tomlinson sends the first email, revolutionizing digital communication.
    the first email program on the ARPANET system, the first system able to send mail between users on different hosts connected to ARPANET. and now has been drastically updated into whats now know as email.
  • 1983: TCP/IP becomes the standard protocol for internet communication, ensuring compatibility.

    1983: TCP/IP becomes the standard protocol for internet communication, ensuring compatibility.
    people wanted to makes internet a protocol for communication. The inventor’s goal was a reliable network between two computers that could ensure messages with out mistake.
  • 1989: Tim Berners-Lee invents the World Wide Web, introducing URLs, HTML, and HTTP.

    1989: Tim Berners-Lee invents the World Wide Web, introducing URLs, HTML, and HTTP.
    the European Particle Physics Laboratory introduced the world with ways to connect to the internet in a more complicated way back in the day but now this is used everywhere and its common knowledge
  • 1991: The first website, a simple page about the World Wide Web project, goes live.

    1991: The first website, a simple page about the World Wide Web project, goes live.
    Berners-Lee published the first-ever website. Fittingly, the site was about the World Wide Web project, describing the Web and how to use it.
  • 1993: Mosaic, the first widely-used web browser, is released, making the internet more accessible.

    1993: Mosaic, the first widely-used web browser, is released, making the internet more accessible.
    Marc Andreessen released Mosaic, the Web browser credited with making the Internet accessible for the general public. and it took a long time for people to get used to the new idea proposed.
  • 1995: Commercial use of the internet expands as companies like Amazon and eBay launch.

    1995: Commercial use of the internet expands as companies like Amazon and eBay launch.
    companies help move the Internet from being a medium for exchanging information to one for exchanging goods and services. so companies and business started using internet as a sorce of income, as it got more famous the government made that buying goods also requires paying for taxes.
  • 1998: Google is founded, reshaping online search and becoming a dominant force.

    1998: Google is founded, reshaping online search and becoming a dominant force.
    Google Inc. was officially born. With this investment, the newly incorporated team made the upgrade from the dorms to their first office a garage but little did anyone know google became massive and now its the number one website in the world creating billions of dollars every year
  • 2001: Wikipedia is launched, transforming collaborative knowledge sharing on the internet.

    2001: Wikipedia is launched, transforming collaborative knowledge sharing on the internet.
    revolutionary online platform called Wikipedia was launched. it was made for researchers and scientist to make their work available to the public and it became a massive hit for schools and universities
  • 2004: Mark Zuckerberg creates Facebook, changing social networking dynamics.

    2004: Mark Zuckerberg creates Facebook, changing social networking dynamics.
    Mark Zuckerberg, the innovative mind behind Facebook, revolutionized social networking by creating a platform that brought people together on a global scale. and facebook created new safe spaces for anyone and its regarded as one of the first ever social media plataform. but back then it was only for texting and sharing information very different it is now
  • 2005: YouTube is founded, revolutionizing video sharing and consumption online.

    2005: YouTube is founded, revolutionizing video sharing and consumption online.
    YouTube's founded on the simple idea of letting everyone share videos on the internet for free and to create a creative space for information or just fun.
  • 2007: Apple introduces the first iPhone, accelerating mobile internet usage.

    2007: Apple introduces the first iPhone, accelerating mobile internet usage.
    Steve Jobs unveils the iPhone a touchscreen mobile phone with an iPod and this creates other companies like samsung etc to update their the network and follow in apples footsteps.
  • 2008: Bitcoin, the first cryptocurrency, is introduced, paving the way for decentralized digital currencies.

    2008: Bitcoin, the first cryptocurrency, is introduced, paving the way for decentralized digital currencies.
    decentralized, digital currency exchanged through a peer to peer network without centralized authorities. this was intended for a form of moving money with out the government being aware of this.
  • 2010: Instagram is launched, focusing on photo-sharing and influencing social media trends.

    2010: Instagram is launched, focusing on photo-sharing and influencing social media trends.
    Instagram is a photo and video-sharing social media application by Kevin Systrom. it was considered a copy and mix of both youtube and facebook later on facebook bough the company
  • 2011: The Arab Spring demonstrates the internet's role in facilitating social and political movements.

    2011: The Arab Spring demonstrates the internet's role in facilitating social and political movements.
    political protest and violence concerns the role that social media plays in the ability of challengers to mobilize for collective action. in iraq a riot was started and planned out with only the use of social media it was the first of many organized events in the use of social media and it showed how powerful it can be.
  • 2013: Edward Snowden's revelations expose mass surveillance programs, sparking privacy debates.

    2013: Edward Snowden's revelations expose mass surveillance programs, sparking privacy debates.
    The surveillance of millions of Americans telephone records first came to light, after a lot of research Edwards reveals the secret behind the internet back then was that everything was being recorded and monitored so it deleted the propose of the internet
  • 2015: The United Nations recognizes internet access as a basic human right.

    2015: The United Nations recognizes internet access as a basic human right.
    Acknowledging internet access as a human right follows an announcement by the UN in 2016 that “measures to intentionally prevent or disrupt access to or dissemination of information online is in violation of international human rights law.” as the Un said this the internet become even more famous and new companies started investing in it
  • 2016: The rise of fake news becomes a significant concern on social media platforms.

    2016: The rise of fake news becomes a significant concern on social media platforms.
    The spread of fake news on social media became a public concern in the United States after the 2016 presidential election. lots sharing of fake news by registered voters on Twitter and found that engagement with fake news sources was extremely concentrated. so the government decided to deal with that and the only sources of information was the registered news articles in their respective countries
  • 2019: 50th anniversary of ARPANET, marking five decades of internet evolution.

    2019: 50th anniversary of ARPANET, marking five decades of internet evolution.
    this year is the fiftieth-year anniversary of the development and installation of the first four ARPANET Interface Message Processor. and it shows how far we have gotten as humans technology and shows how the investment of ARPNET was a vital thing for the first 4 universties that used them as now they are the biggest universities in the world.
  • 2020: The COVID-19 pandemic accelerates reliance on the internet for work, education, and communication.

    2020: The COVID-19 pandemic accelerates reliance on the internet for work, education, and communication.
    Studies show that the pandemic has led to a 20% surge in total internet usage. This is due to factors such as an increased demand for videoconferencing and international calls also the use of social media and video games increased fro teens mostly as all they could do is stay in their room.