Douglas Englebart invents the computer mouse
Arpanet is commisioned!
E-Mail is invented by Ray Tomlinson.
Liquid Crystal Display(LCD) is created by James Fergason.
Intel introduces the first microproccessor
The Xerox Alto landmarks in the creation of personal computers.
Microsoft is founded by Bill Gates and Paul Allen
Altair produces the first portable computer
Apple is founded by Steve Wozniak and Steve jobs
Apple II is the first computer with color graphics
The first magnetic tape is invented
Over 1 million computers are in use in the United States!
SImple Mail Transfer Protocol is introduced
More than 10 million computers are used in the U.S
Domain names such as".com,.net,.org, and .mil" are patented
William Gibson coins the word cyberspace
The Internet is being worked on.
The internet is published for everyone.
Only 50 WWW servers are known to exist
Yahoo is created!
JAVA is introduced
Google is founded
Approxiamately 1 billion PC have been sold
Youtube is created
Over 92 million websites on the web