History of the Internet

  • 1990

    About 42% of Americans have a used computer. Tim Berners-Lee made the first Web browser, World Wide Web. Alan Emtage from McGill university created Archie, a web tool for searching
  • 1991

    Researchers created a web cam and as their first example it was a coffeepot.
  • 1992

    The phrase ¨surfing the internet" becomes popular. Tim posts a first photo of the band “Les Horribles Cernettes” on the web. The line-mode browser becomes the reliable browser for the web.
  • 1993

    Marc Andreessen proposes the IMG HTML tag to allow the display of images on the Web.
  • 1995

    Microsoft releases Windows 95 which was the first version of Internet Explorer.
  • 1996

    Nokia releases Nokia 9000 communicator which was the first cellphone that had internet capabilities.
  • 1997

    Google.com launches domain.
  • 1998

    AOL launches AOL 4.0 and inundates American homes with CD-ROM mailers. AOL membership jumps from 8 million to 16 million members.
  • 1999

    Yahoo! acquires GeoCities for $3.6 billion. for $3.6 billion.
  • 2000

    AOL acquires Time Warner for $165 billion. New York Times says “it could be the internet companies that do the buying and the old media that sell out.”
  • 2001

    Jimmy Wales launches Wikipedia. Users write over 20,000 encyclopedia entries in the first year.
  • 2002

    Social networking site Friendster.com launches, but is quickly overtaken by Facebook.
  • 1994

    Yahoo was created by Stanford University by the students Jerry Yang, and David Filo. Originally it was called Jerry and David's guide to the World Wide web.