History of the Internet

  • ARPANET's First Message

    ARPANET's First Message
    Arpanet was the origin of what we know as the internet today! The first ever message was sent from UCLA by a group of computer scientists. Arpanet
  • The First Email Sent

    The First Email Sent
    A man by the name Ray Tomlinson was the first to have sent an email message. Ray Tomlison coined the "@" symbol in relation to creating emails. Ray Tomlinson
  • Desk-Sized Programmable Computers

    Desk-Sized Programmable Computers
    These computers were first introduced by IBM and Hewlett-Packard for research. IBM
  • The First Video Game

    The First Video Game
    The first video game was called Maze War and was adapted by ARPANET. MazeWar
  • Domain Name System (DNS)

    Domain Name System (DNS)
    Designed by Paul Mockapetris. Revolutionized internet navigation by using an easier to remember domain names such as "www.example.com" into numbers that computers can use. DNS
  • Transition into TCP & IP

    Transition into TCP & IP
    Standing for the Transmission Control Protocol and Internet Protocol was acquired by ARPANET. Enabled data transmission and communication. TCP
  • Microsoft Windows First Launched

    Microsoft Windows First Launched
    Founded by Bill Gates and Paul Allen. Microsoft Windows
  • The Invention of the GIF

    The Invention of the GIF
    A team of engineers lead by Steve Wilhite developed the GIF to display static and animated images. GIF
  • The World Wide Web

    The World Wide Web
    Computer scientist named Tim Berners-Lee proposed the World Wide Web with the idea of implementing hypertext. Tim Berners-Lee
  • The First Web Page

    The First Web Page
    Contributions from Tim Berner-Lee and CERN. The First Web Page
  • The First Webcam

    The First Webcam
    Invented by the University of Cambridge, by a team in correlation with Tim-Berners-Lee. Enabled remote monitoring. The First Webcam
  • Netscape Navigator

    Netscape Navigator
    The first popular web browser developed by Marc Andreson. Introduced a graphical interface allowing for simplified web navigation. NetScape
  • The First Smart Phone

    The First Smart Phone
    Invented by IBM. Featured a touch screen, enabled phone calls and email interactions. Smart Phone
  • Wikipedia Is Launched

    Wikipedia Is Launched
    Founded by Jimmy Wales and Larry Sanger. A free web-based encyclopedia. Wiki
  • MySpace and LinkedIn

    MySpace and LinkedIn
    My space launched by Tom Anderson and Chris DeWolfe. LinkedIn founded by Reid Hoffman. Allowed personal networking to become more widespread. Linked In & My Space
  • Gmail

    Invented by Paul Buchheit. Is now one of the most widely used email services globally. Gmail
  • The Release of I Phone

    The Release of I Phone
    Lead by Steve Jobs. Brought new tech with a virtual keyboard and touchscreen interface. I Phone
  • Google Chrome Launched

    Google Chrome Launched
    Developed by google. Offered a minimalist interface. Became one of the most popular browsers worldwide. Google Chrome
  • Instagram is Launched

    Instagram is Launched
    Created by Kevin Systrom and Mike Krieger. Instagram enabled the widespread sharing of photos with various filters and effects. Instagram
  • Integration of AI

    Integration of AI
    Advanced personal assistants such as Siri, Google Assistant and Amazon Alexa. AI