History of the Internet

  • Foundations of the Internet

    packet-switching networks came into operation. Transmitted data is broken up into small packets of data, sent to its destination, and reassembled at the other side
  • Internet Continues to Grow

    Development of a similar system began in America in 1968, and went into operation the year after in the US Defence Department's Advanced Research Projects Agency
  • The Protocol

    The ARPA (Advanced Research Projects Agency) NET used Network Control Protocol as its transmission protocol from 1969 to 1982, when it was replaced with the now-widespread protocol
  • The New Protocol

    In 1982 the Network Control Protocol (NCP) was replaced with the now-widespread protocol
  • The Launch of the World-Wide Web

    The internet was newly introduced.
  • The Start of Websites

    Quickly researchers got interested and started designing web sites and browsers. In 1993 the first proper web-browser took the internet out of control.
  • The Start of Internet Use

    After this year the internet was being used by people all over the world. As the internet continues to be used more websites and browsers are made.