Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP)
The SMTP is created. The SMTP is a system that people use to send and receive mail messages. -
World Wide Web (WWW)
Thw World Wide Web is created. The World Wide Web isn a system allowing to access documents on the internet. -
Internet Society (ISOC) established
The ISOC is established. ISOC is an organization to provide helpo in the internet. This is used to faciliate educational, charitable, and scientific stuff people need help with. -
Amazon.com and eBay is funded
Amazon.com is an online retailer and eBay.com is an online auction and shopping site. This helps alot because you can buy and auction stuff. -
Hotmail is created
Hotmail is a free web-based e-mail. This may have help communication but it also caused alot of problems with bullying. -
Google Search, Yahoo! Groups, Pay Pal Payment System are created
Google Search, Yahoo! Groups, Pay Pal Payment System are created and this helps alot because Google is so helpfull with searching stuff. Pay Pal helps you pay easier when buying stuff online. -
Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia is created and it helps you alot when you don't know something. It is a site that lets people share information to help you understand better the things you know. -
Skype Internet voice calls and iTunes Store are created
Skype helps you with communication. Skype is very usefull because you can reunite with people you haven't seen in a long time ago or you just want to talk to people. -
Facebook social networking site and Flickr are created
Fcebook helps to communicate but it can also causes bullying. Fcebook is optional and it is your choice if you create a facebook account or you don't. With Flickr you can share photos. -
YouTube is created
With YouTube you can share and watch videos.