
History of the Internet

  • The Internet was officially invented.

    The Internet was officially invented.
    Many years led up to this giant change in history, but in 1969 ARPAnet officially went online.
  • Ray Tomlinson Invented the Email

    In 1972, Ray Tomlinson officially created Email. This invention has become a part of daily life, but at the time it was a huge jump in being able to communicate over the internet.
  • Huge Progress

    Huge Progress
    The internet took a turn for the better. It was named the "the information superhighway". It was being used for many things, including adverstisement. Advertisement was a big role in the internet (jn order to continue to fund it) so it grew alongside the internet.
  • Yahoo!

    Yahoo! was founded by Jerry Yang and David Filo in 1995
  • Internet Advertising Council.

    Internet Advertising Council.
    In 1995 the Internet Advertising Council met to discuss goals and objectives concerning internet marketing.
  • Internet Advertising

    By 1996 internet advertising was very popular. $301 million was spent that year in advertising over the internet.
  • Superbowl Advertising

    Superbowl Advertising
    Microsoft pays $200,000 to support the Superbowl Website.
  • Google

    Google was officially founded in 1998 by Sergey Brin and Larry Page
  • Internet Cell Phone

    Internet Cell Phone
    The first internet cell phone was developed in 2003 by ArrayComm
  • Presidential Campaign

    Presidential Campaign
    in 2008, candidates for the U.S president used internet marketing for advertising. By this time they found the internet to be very popular and heavily used, so a big strategy was to advertise via the internet.