History of the internet

  • ARPA is formed

    President Eisenhower formed ARPA to create a computer network. Its purpose was to give the U.S. a technological edge over other countries. They built the network ARPANET. The network connected four computers on four different operating systems.
  • A plan ARPANET

    Packet switching technology is getting ofg the ground, and small university networks are beginnng to be developed.
  • The Number of Websites

    The total number of websites on the Interent have exeeded 182 million according to Netcraft.
  • First host-to-host message sent

    Hosts were set up for communication on the ARPANET network. The first host was at UCLA and the second host was at SRI.
  • The computers are talking to each other!

    Four nodes available for ARPANET networking: UCLA, Stanford Research Institute, Univ of Calif Santa Barbara, Univ of Utah
  • People communicate over the ARPANET

    Messages can be sent over a network from one computer to another. Instead of paper rmail it's electronic-mail or e-mails..
  • ARPA meets PRNET

    PRNETS was connecting computers through radio receiver and transmitter. ARPANET used phone lines. The two came together after three years of working together.
  • SATNET connect with ARPANET and PRNET

    SATNET,ARPANET, and PRNET were joined togther to make the Inter-networking or the Internet for short.
  • The number of hosts increases

    100 hosts on the ARPANET
  • World Wide Web

    Berners-Lee and Belgian computer scientist propsed in 1990 to use HyperText... to link and access information of various kinds as a web of npdes in which the user can browser at will,and publicy introdued the project in December.

    Larry introduced the ARPANET, which consisted of computers linked over long distances. The history of the Internet was also affected by packet switching, a technology that allowed for faster and cost effective data transmission.
  • .org

    The term .org is a commonly used abbreviation in web browsers and websites that means organization.
  • Com

    Com is typically used at the end of an internet web address. You may also see endings such as .net, .org, and .gov depending on the type of wesite.
  • Computers are conneted to the Internet

    It is just over four billion because you can have up to 254x255x255x255 with the quad ip addresses, and they are running out of quad ips.
  • .net

    The .net net stands for network.