History of The Holy Roman Empire (before Germany)

By aladdin
  • Oct 20, 1346

    Make Prague great again

    Charles the IV make Prague a center for education and learning
  • Oct 20, 1356

    Government changes

    At the golden bull Charles the IV makes his empire and elective monarchy
  • Oct 20, 1438

    Habsburgs rule

    The Habsburgs monopolize the monarchy
  • Oct 20, 1477

    Family power

    Maximilian,heir to austria marries mary heir to burgundy which helps start the Habsburgs empire across Europe
  • Oct 20, 1480

    More government

    The Reichstag is form,which is the german supreme Court
  • Oct 20, 1496

    More family power

    Phillap,heir to Austria marries joanna, a princess of spain forming the second great marital alliances in the Habsburg empire
  • Oct 20, 1516

    Death of a king

    Because of the martial alliance Charles the V becomes king of spain after Ferdinand II dies
  • Oct 20, 1556

    The more the merrier

    Two habsburg empires form when charles V abdicates when he splits up his territories and they become parts Spainsh and Austrian Habsburg Empires
  • War

    Beginning of thirty years war
    Which was a war over religious beliefs
  • End of war

    End of the thirty years war
  • We all need a diet

    The Hungarian diet grants the Austrian Habsburgs the crown of st stephan
  • Destabilization

    Beginning of Austro-Prussian rivalry in the empire
  • Yah Free religion

    Joseph II passes the act of toleration allowing protestantism to be worshipped
  • Dissolution

    Francis II disolves the empire to prevent napoleon legacy as a means to reorganize Germany
  • Finally germany

    German unification