
History of the Holocaust

  • Adolf Hitler is appointed Chancellor of Germany

    Adolf Hitler is appointed Chancellor of Germany
  • Burning of the Reichstag Building

    Burning of the Reichstag Building
    This is the German Government building that the Nazis burned to create a crisis like atmosphere, and to have Hitler come to the protection of the nation.
  • Nazis boycott Jewish establishments

  • Nazis are declared the only legal party in Germany

    They also strip immigrant Polish Jews of their German citizenship
  • Nazis prohibit Jews from owning land

  • Laws againt Habitual and Dangerous Criminals is passed

    The Nazis passed this law having affect on beggars, homeless, alcoholics, and the unemployed. Which would result in the deportation to concentration camps.
  • Jews are NOT allowed national health insurance

    Jews are NOT allowed national health insurance
  • German Persident von Hindenburg dies

    German Persident von Hindenburg dies
    Hitler then becomes Furher
  • Jews are ban from serving in the military

    Jews are ban from serving in the military
  • Law is passed forcing pregnant women to abort their babys' if it has a genetic defect

    Law is passed forcing pregnant women to abort their babys' if it has a genetic defect
  • Berlin Olympic games begin

    Berlin Olympic games begin
  • Jews are...

    Jews are...
    banned from teaching, accounting, dentistry, They are also denied tax reduction and child allowances.
  • Nazis order Jews to register wealth and power

  • Jews are banned from practicing medicine

  • Jewish passports must be stamped with a large red J

    Jewish passports must be stamped with a large red J
  • The night of broke glass

    The night of broke glass
    Later on November 12, Hazis fine Jews 1 million Marks
  • Hermaan Goring takes charge of thr "Jewish Question"


    With the men gone overseas, women had to step up their game and take on these jobs that were left "empty". Many of these jobs included factory work, health care, and teaching. Which was mostly all unpaid, volunteer work. Some women went over seas to help with driving, cooking, and telephones. This We Can Dot It poster is a depiction of Rosie the Riveter who empowers strength, feminism and power for women.
  • Period: to


    With men overseas, women had to become incharge of 'male careers' through all angles of the spectrum. American Citizens always found pleasure in watching baseball. Meaning that women then took on the role of professional baseball players.
  • Jews must relocate to Jewish housing

    They have lost right as tenants

    Jewish women, gypsy women, disabled women, etc were sent to this concdntration camp in Northern Germany. Throughout the time of the Holocaust 132,000 women had been sent here, and 92,000 had died from either stravation, illness, or execution.

    WWII HAS NOW COMMENCED Jews can't be outside past 8pm in Winter and 9pm in Summer
  • France and Great Britain declare war on Germany

  • Hitler proclaims that Jews are to be isolated

  • Forced Labor Decree on Polish Jews ages 14-60

  • The Polish town of Oswiecim becomes host to Auschwitz

    The Polish town of Oswiecim becomes host to Auschwitz
    Auschwitz has seen ~1,100,000 Jews and 200,000 others
  • Nazis invade France, Belgium, Holland, and Luxembourg

    Nazis invade France, Belgium, Holland, and Luxembourg
    France (Jewish pop. 350,000), Belgium (Jewish pop. 65,000), Holland (Jewish pop. 140,000), and Luxembourg (Jewish pop. 3,500). On June 14 they invade Paris
  • France signs armistice with Hitler


    Made/created by Konrad Zuse a German civil engineer, inventor, and computer pioneer. They called the computer Z3. It's orignal purpose was to help them measure the wing flutter on their Air crafts but then didn't see it as substancially benefical to advancements in the war, so they cut fudning. Technology as a whole advanced profoundly during the time of the war. within many areas such as weaponry(artillery, rocketry, biological, chemical and atomic weapons), transportation (vehicles, trains,
  • Nazis invade Russia

  • Japanese attack US at Pearl Habor

    Japanese attack US at Pearl Habor
    US and Great Britain Declare War on Japan 2,335 U.S. servicemen were killed and 1,143 were wounded.
  • Hitler declares war on US

    "Never before has there been a greater challenge to life, liberty and civilization." The U.S.A. then enters the war in Europe and will concentrate nearly 90 percent of its military resources to defeat Hitler.
  • The New York Times reports via the London Daily Telegraph that over 1,000,000 Jews have already been killed by Nazis.

    The New York Times reports via the London Daily Telegraph that over 1,000,000 Jews have already been killed by Nazis.
  • Himmler grants permission for sterilization at Auschwitz

    Himmler grants permission for sterilization at Auschwitz
  • Limited food rations for German Jews

  • American Jews hold a mass rally at Madison Square Garden, in New York to pressure the U.S. government into helping the Jews of Europe

    American Jews hold a mass rally at Madison Square Garden, in New York  to pressure the U.S. government into helping the Jews of Europe
  • Reported that 106 castrations have been performed at Auschwitz

  • President Roosevelt issues a statement condemning German and Japanese ongoing "crimes against humanity."

  • Auschwitz-Birkenau

    Auschwitz-Birkenau records its highest-ever daily number of persons gassed and burned at just over 9,000. With a total of 7 gas chambers and a total of six huge pits which are used to burn bodies, considering the number exceeds the capacity of the crematories.
  • D-Day

    Allies land in Normandy
  • Russian troops liberate first concentartion camp

    @Majdenka, where 360,000 are killed
  • Last gassing at Auschwitz

  • Invasion of Eastern Germany by Russian troops

  • British Soldiers free Bergen-Belsen Prisoners

    ~40,000 prisoners
    reported the terrors that they saw; "both inside and outside the huts was a carpet of dead bodies, human excreta, rags and filth."

    They met at the inner circle in the ante-room chamber of the bunker. After the gun shot of Hitler and Eva Hitler, Gunsche and Linge wrapped Hitlers body in a blanket and put him in the Reich Chancellery garden and Eva’s body was carried to lay next to him. Both of their bodies were burned together.
  • Americans free 33,000 from concentration camps

    Americans free 33,000 from concentration camps
  • Unconditional German Surrender

    Unconditional German Surrender
    signed by General Alfred Jodl at Reims.
  • Period: to


    There was approximately 4 million babies born each year. By the end of the 1964 there had been 76.4 baby boomers. After the War there weren't a great deal of jobs available causing society to go into a post war recession
  • Universal Declaration of Human Rights is established @ Palais de Chillot, Paris

    Universal Declaration of Human Rights is established @ Palais de Chillot, Paris