History of the Holocaust

  • Shutzstaffel Organized

    Shutzstaffel was an organization ran by Adolf Hitler and the Nazis
  • St. Louis Ship (with Jews)

    MS St. Louis was a german ocean liner that carried 900 Jews.
  • Hitler becomes chancellor

  • Hitler claims emergency powers

  • Law of prevention of Hereditary diseases

  • Nuremburg Laws

  • Law against Dangerous Habitual Criminals

  • Nazis occupy Rhineland

  • Reichszentrale is created

  • Kristallnacht/Night of broken glass

  • Einsatgruppen starts

  • Germany invades Poland

  • Auschwitz opens

  • Commisair Order

  • Babi Yar

  • Last gassing at Auschwitz

  • Wannsee Conference

  • Yellow star for German Jews

  • Lodz ghetto opens

  • Creation of Zigeunlager

  • Himmler Orders destruction of Auschwitz

  • Liberation of Auschwitz

  • Hitler Commits suicide

  • International military Tribunal

  • Adolf Eichmann captured