History of The English Language

  • 597

    Ethelbert is Baptized

    first king to convert Christianity.
  • 673

    birth of the venerable bede

  • 860

    Scandinavians settle in Britain and Ireland

  • 1000

    Beowulf Poem

  • 1066

    Date of The Norman Invasion

    Date of The Norman Invasion
  • 1085

    The domesday book is completed

  • 1095

    First Crusade is decreed

  • 1348

    the black death comes to Britain

  • 1387

    Chaucers Canterbury Tales

    24 stories
  • 1440

    Invention of The Printing Press

    Invention of The Printing Press
  • Oct 12, 1492

    The discovery of North America

  • Shakespeare's first folio

  • The monarchy is restored, charles the 2nd is proclaimed king

  • The American Revolution

  • Declaration of independence is signed

    Declaration of independence is signed
  • Twitter, a social networking service, was created