History Of The English Language

  • Period: 400 to Dec 25, 1200

    Old English Through Middle English

  • 410

    Goths sack Roman Empire in Britain

    Goths sack Roman Empire in Britain
    The fall of Rome is the turning point in the spread of different languages. Since the Romans did not allow it, the exact date is unknown.
  • 500

    Germanic People Start Colonizing Britain

    With Rome gone Germanic tribes of people speaking many different forms of western dialects colonize and spread their teachings.
  • Dec 24, 1000

    Danes Attack England And Their Current King Flees To Normandy

    Danes Attack England And Their Current King Flees To Normandy
    The people of England are under siege by the Danes and their king is nowhere to be found. Leaving them in a bad spot to be overtaken. The Battle Of Maldon is one of the only surviving writings, which helped spread the English language.
  • Dec 24, 1000

    Beowulfs Writings

    Beowulfs Writings
    These writings are the oldest Old English poems on record. Being written around the 8th century, but nobody is exactly sure what date it is. I will show the suspected year but the date is unknown.
  • Period: Dec 24, 1000 to Dec 25, 1500

    Middle English Historic Events

  • Dec 24, 1062

    The Norman Invasion

    The Norman Invasion
    The Normans invade Britain and with the fall of the current British people it began the spread of middle English established by the invaders.
  • Dec 24, 1386

    The Canterbury Tales

    The Canterbury Tales
    A collection of 17,000 lines of middle English language. They were originally used for a story telling competition by the Pilgrims.
  • Dec 24, 1390

    The One Hundred Years War Begins

    The One Hundred Years War Begins
    This war between Britain and France was a major conflict. Britain needed to be successful in order to spread the ruling of their king and the teachings of British people.
  • Dec 24, 1453

    The End Of The 100 Years War

    The End Of The 100 Years War
    France defeated the British which really was a gut punch to the British Empire. If they had won, they could have spread their teachings ruling to France.
  • Dec 24, 1472

    Printing In England

    Printing In England
    England starts the first ever printing press. Which really helps spread their English language to other countries.
  • Dec 24, 1485

    War Of The Roses Ends

    War Of The Roses Ends
    The war between the Lancasters and the Yorks ends. The victory by the Lancaster family starts the Tudor reign which starts the advancement into modern English
  • Period: Dec 24, 1500 to

    Modern English

  • Dec 24, 1502

    Discovering America

    Discovering America
    The majority of the people flooding into America was in the start of the 1500s. Which helped spread the modern English language
  • Shakespeare's first folio

    Shakespeare's first folio
    This folio contained 34 plays and Shakespeare wrote it for his colleagues to read.
  • American Press

    American Press
    The colonies of America started using the power of their words to fight the British empire. Which was a vital way of using modern English.
  • American Revolution

    American Revolution
    The colonists fight back against the tyranny of the British Empire
  • America becomes independent

    America becomes independent
    With Britain out of the way we formed our own western form of the modern English.
  • Final American Dictionary

    Many years after our independence we release the final American English dictionary. It really expanded after the war and we released five dictionaries