
History of The Cotton Gin

  • Eli Whitney Was Born

    Eli Whitney Was Born
    Bibliography Eli Whitney Jr. was born in Westborough, Massachusetts to Eli Whitney and Elizabeth Fay.
  • Period: to

    Industrial Revolution To Now

  • Period: to

    Revolutionary War

    Bibliography Eli Whitney was 16 when the Revolutionary War started. He was working in workshops creating nails, fixing watches, etc...
  • Acceptance to College

    Acceptance to College
    Eli Whitney was accepted to Yale Unviersity in 1789.
  • Graduation

    BibliographyBibliography Eli Whitney graduated from Yale University in 1792. Soon after, he traveled to the South looking for a job with the idea of being a lawyer.
  • Invented the Cotton Gin

    Invented the Cotton Gin
    Bibliography In 1793, after visiting the South, Eli Whitney created and built the cotton gin.
  • Patent For The Cotton Gin

    Patent For The Cotton Gin
    Bibliography Soon after Eli Whitney arrived in the South, he realized that many people wanted a way to make cotton more profitable. With the idea of the cotton gin, he went and got his idea patetented on March 14th, 1794.
  • Validation of Patent

    Validation of Patent
    BibliographyBibliography On January 23rd, 1807, Eli Whitney's patent for the cotton gin was validated.
  • Marrige

    In 1817, Eli Whitney got married to Henrietta Frances Edwards from Bridgeport, Connecticut. Together, they had four children, three daughters and one son.
  • Death

    Bibliography Eli Whitney died of prostate cancer in New Haven, Connenticut at the age of 59. He was buried at Grove Street Cemetary in New Haven.
  • Other Companies Use Cotton Gin

    Other Companies Use Cotton Gin
    After Eli Whitney died, several other companies started using the idea of the cotton gin to create a businesses.
  • Modern Cotton Gin

    Modern Cotton Gin
    Bibliography The cotton gin today is very different in design compared to the original on created by Eli Whitney.