5000 BCE
Ancient times (Egypt) (5000 BCE-2000 BCE)
Children were considered succesors for the royalty inheritance (nobility). In this age, education depended of the social class of the parents, childs that acquired social education and insertion to the society, were from nobility and mid class (sons of merchants). Slave's sons were given to ransom brokers for commerce, children were sold for working on the fields and for being noble servants -
1800 BCE
Ancient Rome & Greece (1800 BCE - 1000 BCE)
In this era, the concept of "intelectual education" was born, children were educated since their early ages with knowledge about laws, morality and obligations. They were considered as "adult projects", who needed to learn the adult qualities for being virtuose, in this stage of live, romans and greeks considered children lacked of character and attitudes for being great and conscient of knowledge. -
950 BCE
Ancient Rome & Greece (950 - 500 BCE)
Children were taught with the use of violence, and other savage methods like severe punishement. In Sparta and some central regions of Rome (lower class), children were taught to be soldiers with extremely violent methods to abolish in them fear. -
384 BCE
Classic Greece (384 BCE)
Philosophers like Plutarco began to think that childhood was a crucial stage for knowledge and education for the development of "human nature". Children began to appear in theater. Aristoteles's developed the thought of "free man formation", which consisted in a step by step education for their sons "from the age of 2 to 5, children need to be exposed to harsh circumstances like cold, from 5 to 8 need to be very active, they need to learn to write, read and speak at this ages." -
328 BCE
Classic Rome (328 BCE)
"Free man education" losses relevance in Rome, they adapt another form to educate their childs in oratory rather than sports. Ludus-gramatica-retorica-. -
Middle age ( V - XII )
"Free man education" or "liberal educatin" is removed, church acquires importance in the education of children, in this ages, child was taught to be God's sevant and not a "free thinker". Children is still considered as their parents possesion, appears the thought of the child as a perverse, malicious and corrupted being that need to be socialized with discipline and punishment. Abad Bérulle "No hay peor estado, más vil y abyecto, después del de la muerte, que la infancia". -
Middle age ( XIII )
Child's conception as an homunculus: inferior status of a human that is in transition of being a superior status (adult). Education in arts and science was thought to be only for man (males). In this ages, children were moved to the crusades by the military and religious organizations. -
Renaissance ( XV - XVII )
Interest in the development of childhood, appears again in this way of thought. Luis Vives (1492-1540) - "Child as an individual being with differences from the other ones". Luis Vives established in his works, that children were different and needed to be taught with different methods that adapt to their capacities or disabilities. -
Renaissance ( XV - XVII )
Women began to be scholarized with the central idea of Comenius. Recognition of the mother as the principal source of education for their children. -
Renaissance ( XV - XVII )
Children as scholars, education now is adaptated to the children. "Newborns are like an empty board, experience fills them with knowledge." Locke (1632-1704) -
XVIII Century
Jean-Jacques Rousseau's work: Émile ou de l´éducation, mentions the child borns "good in nature", is the society that corrupts him. Denies the conception of the child as an homunculus, as he remarks the children as a being of learning. Discipline and punishment is still used and children is considered as an incomplete adult. -
( XIX - beginning of XX )
- Pestalozzi (1746-1827): children learns with experience and observation, using all their senses.
- Froebel (1782-1852): kindergarten.
- Charles Darwin achieves with his works the study of children with science, creating a naturalist aproximation of the child with the development of humanity.
- Wars make the children return to work in the industry as they were considered cheap working hand.
Finals of XX - XXI
- Children as an individual with singular characteristics and needs, personal rights to dignity and freedom.
- Education as a right of the children, public education for every child.
- Recognition of the parents as the main source of learning, some still use punishment (more common in America, less in Europe).
- All womans can have access to education.
Children rights
The Convention on the Rights of the Child (CRC) of 1989 defines a child as any human person who has not reached the age of eighteen years. -
Children rights (2001+)
Children's rights includes their right to association with both parents, human identity as well as the basic needs for physical protection, food, universal state-paid education, health care, and criminal laws appropriate for the age and development of the child, equal protection of the child's civil rights, and freedom from discrimination on the basis of the child's race, gender, sexual orientation, gender identity, national origin, religion, disability,color, ethnicity, or other characteristics