Hombre prehistorico

history of the clothe

  • 800 BCE

    Classical antiquity (VIII century BC to the 5th century AD)

    Classical antiquity (VIII century BC to the 5th century AD)
    In Greece the linen, the wool and the cotton, and later the silk -provenient of the East-, pieces of rectangular pieces, bordered by the four sides, without seam or hem, accompanied by fibulas and belts, are used. The oldest dress of the time, a rectangular fabric attached to the left shoulder, knotted under the right arm and girdled by a belt. The peasants wore tanned skins or thick wool dresses, with a leather cap called kyné
  • 500

    Middle Ages 5th and 15th centuries

    Middle Ages 5th and 15th centuries
    the most used material was wool, the fine linen called cainsil was used for shirts and hose. The man wore two tunics: a thin one of thread like a shirt, called brial, and another of longer wool, narrow sleeves and fitted with a leather belt; he was wearing shorts and a cape. The woman also wore two tunics, the shirt, inside with narrow sleeves, and the stole, long to the feet and wide sleeves; on top they could wear a cloak, a cloak or a chlamys, and the use of a veil was common.
  • 1500

    Modern age 15th century to 18th century

    Modern age 15th century to 18th century
    In the Renaissance emerged the concept of fashion as we understand it today, introducing new genres and acquiring the seam a high degree of professionalization. In the female attire appeared the corset. the court of Louis XIV favored haute couture, beginning to dictate the evolution of fashion at European level. Then appeared the tie, initially in the form of a bow, knotted around the neck; The jacket also appeared, a long tight jacket with a flared form at the bottom.
  • Century XVIII

    Century XVIII
    The French Revolution meant a greater uniformity in the way of dressing, with short coats and long pants for men, and bodices, round skirts and cloth shawls for women. The leadership of the fashion passed to England, where the man wore a jacket with a wide and turned neck, short pants to the knee and a top hat; the woman left the corset and crinoline and was inspired by Ancient Greece, with long dresses fitted with a ribbon under her chest.
  • XIX century

    XIX century
    the tailcoat was shortened and widened, taking the shape of the current jacket; the trousers were broad at the top and narrowed to the ankle, the stripe appearing in front and behind; the coat was replaced by straight cut coats. In the woman the waist was lowered to the waist, with wide sleeves and shoulder pads, and broad skirts of wide flight and trimmings. The figure of the dressmaker appeared as a trendsetter, the model for the clothes pass, the knitwear, and the sewing machine was invented
  • Twentieth century

    Twentieth century
    In the twentieth century, men's fashion continued to be of English descent, while that of women was marked by French sewing. The clothing has been simplified, the practical and utilitarian nature of the garments, as well as their sporting and urban aspect, becoming more relevant; Unisex fashion emerged In the middle of the century, fashion dictates went to the United States, which imposed a type of youth fashion, practice and sports, exemplified in blue jeans or jeans.
  • 21st century

    21st century
    In recent years, fashion design at affordable prices and within the reach of any social class, for its mass production has gained a great boom. In the last decades, alternative movements have also proliferated, the fashion of the so-called urban tribes, which seek to differentiate themselves from the rest of the population on the basis of common tastes in music, clothing and alternative aesthetic elements.