Emperor Constantine l founded the Byzantine Capital
Constantine rebuilt the Greek city-state of Byzantium and then renamed it after him, Constantinople. He made Constantinople the new capital of the empire. -
Nika Revolt (riots)
Riots and devastating fire swept Constantinople,builds were destroyed and many dead. To restore roman glory, Justinian launched a program to make Constantinople grander than ever. Which was to rebuilt the church of Hagia Sophia. -
Hagia Sophia completed
Hagia Sophia's immense, arching dome improved on earlier Roman buildings. The interior glowed with colored marble and embroidered silk curtains. -
Feb 7, 1054
Great Schism
It's about the division of the Orthodox and Roman churches. This happened because of the differences of philosophical understanding, liturgical usage, language, and customs. -
Feb 7, 1095
Emperor Alexios l contacts Pope Urban ll for military help in Middle East
Feb 7, 1204
Fourth Crusade
began to ask the rulers of Europe to participate in a fourth crusade, again attempting to take Jerusalem away from the Ayyubids who ruled there -
Feb 7, 1453
Fall of Constantiople to the Ottoman Turks (official end to Byzantines)
As the empire continued to decline, it faced a new threat, this time from the Ottoman Turks. In 1453, finally fell to the invaders led by Mehmet II. (From lesson 4, text 6, pg 5) -
General Belisarius Military Campaigns
Early Islamic military campaign into Byzantine territory
Emperor Basil ll military conquests of Bulgaria