History of the Bahasa Indonesia

  • School Malay

    based on Classsical Riau Malay Minangkabau
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    Van Ophuijsen Spelling System

  • Bintang Hindisa (The Indies Star)

    The first nationalist newspaper. It pushed a western lifestyle and used both ow and high Malay varieties.
  • Indische Vereenigin

    Youth organization in netherlands later became Perhimpoenan Indonesia
  • Commissie voor de Volkslectuur

    Commissie voor de Volkslectuur
    Committee of popular literature. Literature was produced in School Malay with the purpose of spreading literacy. It was highly regulated by the Dutch to limit "dangerous ideas". The publications required formal Malay which had its origins in Sumatra biasing the literature
  • Dutch-Native Schools Established

    These school taught high Malay and dutch which increased the number of bilinguals
  • Jong Java (first national youth organization)

    Jong Java (first national youth organization)
  • Balai Pustaka

    Published informative and educational material promoting the spread of Malay. This was the committee of popular literature renamed.
  • Language development in the hands of indigenous Indonesians

  • Perhimpoenan Indonesia

    Indische changed its name and began to have an anti colonial perspective
  • Mohamad Tabrani (suggests the term Bahasa Indonesia)

    Mohamad Tabrani (suggests the term Bahasa Indonesia)
    While at this time the standaridizatin process of Malay was well underway its national spread and independent evolution from the local dialects made it uniquely indonesian in the nationalist sense. Tabrani therefore said the use of "Malay" was not appropriate new forms should be called Bahasa Indonesia. On octorber 28, 1928 the national youth conference brought this to a vote and announced it int their pledge. Tabrani was not present.
  • First Indonesian Youth Conference (Muhamad Yamin)

    First Indonesian Youth Conference (Muhamad Yamin)
    Muhammad Yamin at age 23 stated that only two languages should be considered as a national language Malay and Javanesse. Mohamad Tabrani stated that the use of the word Malay was inappropriate and the conference agreed to make the decision in 1928 at the next conference https://kompaspedia-kompas-id.translate.goog/baca/paparan-topik/kongres-pemuda-pertama-1926?_x_tr_sl=id&_x_tr_tl=en&_x_tr_hl=en&_x_tr_pto=sc
  • Second Indonesian Youth Conference

    Second Indonesian Youth Conference
    Bahasa Indonesia became the official name of the Indonesian language. The pledge itself was written in High Malay although there is no specific mention of which form of Malay the participants were referring to when they names Indonesian. It is is assumed from the pledge and the participants that newer forms of School Malay were the reference. Wrtitten by Yamin and discussed at length by him.
  • Indonesian no longer taught in Dutch-Native schools

  • Bahas Indonesia used as a language name in first national publication

  • Pujangga Baru (Sutan Takdir Alisjahbana )

    Pujangga Baru (Sutan Takdir Alisjahbana )
    Magazine founded by Sutan Takdir Alisjahbana
    The magazine stove to modernize the Bahasa Indonesia. It was a nationalistic magazine. While Bahasa Indonesia was founded on classical Malay he sought to modernize it and make it a new language moving it away from the traditional language. "the language which reflects the life of the people in schools become something frozen dead motionless the teaching of grammar is used by our ancestors kills all interest in the language" p 108
  • Armijn Pane

    Armijn Pane
    published Belenggu
    thre older grammars were not useful in learing INdonesian "Because it is not adequate for the language demanded by thir sould"
  • First Indonesian National Language Congress

    In Surakarta, attempted to bring unity ad standardizatio to the language but lacked the organizational teeth to impement its policy.
  • Japanesse Invasion

    The Japanesse banned all use of Dutch in public discourse. This resulted in the development of Indonesian as the language of public administration.
  • Komisi Bahasa

    2 doctionaries were produced, The commitee was headed by three japanese but also had prominant Indonesians. Sukarno, Hatta, Soewandi, Alisjahbana. No grammar was produced. Most words reverted to their dutch forms over time and were never used by the populace.
  • Yogyakarta group continued work of Komisi Bahasa

    The new comission tried to work on language development but its efforts were interrupted by the Dutch military. produced first dictionary for teaching
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    Soewandi Spellings

    spelling reform until present
  • Pembina Bahasa Indonesia - journal launched

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    Tatabahasa baru Bahasa indonesia

    MOst widely used grammar written by Alijahbana and used thoughout many schools.
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    Komisi Istilah - Terminology Commission

    terminology dictionaries were created for various fields but they were not widely distributes. Scientific and legal terms were borrowed mainly from Duth and Arabic or made via direct translations.
  • Second Indonesian National Language Congress

    Muhammad Yamin was minister of education. "the basis of the language is Malay adapted and modified in accordance with its growth and development in society"
  • Ejaan yang Disempurnakan (perfected spellings)

    Malasia and Indonesia agreed on the same spelling system
  • First Official Grammar of Indonesian

    included no uniquely informal words