Jan 1, 1300
The Renaissance Art
During the Renaissance, many artists such as Da Vinci, Raphael, and Michelangelo sought to paint with many new values different from the Medieval times. These new values of the arts had symmetry, human emotions and also expressed the natural world. In Da Vinci's Vitruvian Man, he outlines the human body and shows the symmetry and the different poses of the human. This painting reflects Renaissance values because it was at this time when people started questioning why things are. -
Period: Jan 1, 1300 to
The Renaissance
Jan 1, 1430
Northern Realsim Art
Northern Realism art had accompanied the Northern Renaissance and had many new features of art. These features expressed by such artists as Robert Campin and Jan Van Eyck were they used much more oil techniques, realistic and expressive art. In Campin's, Seilern Triptych it shows Jesus and his followers in complete despair just by the expression on their face. This represents the time period because some people were losing hope in their faith due to the mass spread of disease along with death. -
Period: Jan 1, 1430 to Jan 1, 1580
Northern Realism
Baroque Art
In the time of the French Wars of religion, a new type of art was formed called Baroque Art. This art was highly motivated by religious themes considering the Catholic Church wanted artists to portray their religion in a good way. This art had also brought new themes such as drama, tension, and it was to be easily interpreted. In many works of such a famous Baroque artist as Gianlorenzo Bernini, the viewer can see such drama with the facial expressions and what is occurring in the painting. -
Period: to
Rococo Art
Rococo Art emerged as a superior art during the 18th century. This art style embraced rich decoration, many colors, as well as a huge emphasis on light. This art represents the time because it was going throught the Enlightenment and thus the new light areas would have represented the new ideas. In Pilgrimage to Cythera by Jean Antoine Watteau it shows the emphasis on light and the vast colors of the new Rococo Art. -
Neoclassicalsim Art
The Neoclassicalism was a throwback to the old Renaissance, Greek, and Rome architectures and art. This art reflected the time period because it was around now that people were fairly interested in Greek and Roman buildings and tourists came about. Artsists such as Jacques-Louis David portrayed this atmosphere of Roman times by painting the Oath of the Horatii representing patriotism and dividing men and women into two spheres. -
Period: to
Period: to
Romanticism Art
The Romantic Art unlike the Neoclassicalism and Rococo Art went to the time of Medieval times where there was stability and religious reverence. It also included nature and the sublime. This art reflected their time period because it would show a "perfect" world without the troubles they had at the time. In John Constable's Salisbury Cathedral it shows the power of nature as well as a medival church and how peaceful it is at the time, opposite of what it was then with the French Revolution. -
Period: to
Victorian Art
During the reign of Queen Victoria I, this art form especially in Britain was the Victorian Art. Most of these paintings look at the higher ranked people in Britain, which could also represent that people during this time were getting more wealth with the many changes occuring. In Daniel Maclise's Charles Dickens, he had focused on the modern life, which during that time was changing drastically because of the Industrial Revolution. -
Period: to
Victorian Era
Impressionism Art
This type of art, Impressionism also focused on the modern social life and leisure activities that the urban middle class and lower middle classes had done. Also the artists had a large interest in light and color which had made the impression when you had first looked at it very appealing. In Claude Monet's, Jean Monet on His Hobby Horse he shows the new leisure activities such as riding a bicycle. -
Period: to
Expressionism Art
During the late 19th century, Expressionism Art had developed which had wanted to appeal to the emotions/senses. This type of art also had music involved in it. A major composer, Béla Bartók had written much music such as Bluebeard's Castle and was very appealing to the emotions of many people. This art reflected society because war was coming soon and many people had mixed feeling and emotions towards it, so some artists have some links between the coming wars and the art. -
Period: to
Cubism Art
Cubism Art was a huge step in making the way for different types of art. Cubism meant to step away from reality and have no true purpose for creating the art. Some famous artists of this time were Pablo Picasso and Georges Braque. These artsits sought to reflect society by redirecting everything such like how new physics was redirecting too. One of Picasso's most famous paintings was The Weeping Woman which was to be depicted as a tragedy in a woman's life. This art would lead art into new ways. -
Period: to
Cubism Art
Surrealsim Art
Surrealism Art originated after WWI and was to "resolve the previously contradictory conditions of dream and reality." One of the major artists of the time was Max Ernst. Max had created The Elephant Celebs, and this was to be considered one of the first major Surrealism pieces and to be "dreamlike". Overall, the Surrealist movement was to be reflected onto society because it portrayed dreams, simliar to many other art movements such as cubism. -
Period: to
Abstract Expressionism Art
Abstract Expressionism was the successor to Surrealism and had very creative types of art, just like Surrealism. Some of the artists at the time were David Smith, Mark Tobey, and Barnett Newman. These artists had reflected society because after WWII there was somewhat of a "rebirth" in thought and with that, came a new thought in art. In Mark Tobey's Canticle, he is very abstract and has various colors and overall just a very new type of art, which was overall the aim for Abstract Expressionism -
Period: to
Absract Expressionism