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History of Texas Deriyn Jones

By rmulli1
  • Spindletop

    On January 10, 1901, an enormous geyser of oil exploded from a drilling site at Spindletop Hill, a mound created by an underground salt deposit located.near Beaumont in Jefferson County, southeastern Texas.
  • Big Lake Discovery

    Big Lake Discovery
    The Permian Basin of West Texas has yielded large quantities of oil since the Big Lake discovery in 1923, although there was a smaller discovery in the Westbrook field in Mitchell County three years earlier.
  • Oil Industry in Houston

    Oil Industry in Houston
    Employment related to the oil industry in the Houston area continued to grow during the 1920 and 1930s; by 1929, 27 percent of all manufacturing employees in Harris County were employed by referines.
  • 1st Off Shore Expedition

    1st Off Shore Expedition
    After the expedition was forced ashore in the area between Sabine Pass and High Island in July 15, 1943, the explorers observed oil floating on the surface of the water.