History of Technology of Bridget Phillips

  • First Record Player

    First Record Player
    Got my first record PLayer and thought I was the coolest playing Sean Cassidy. I spent the day dancing around the living room.
  • First Computer experience in School

    First Computer experience in School
    Played a math game during computer lab (a new class) with an old IBM computer.
  • Use of Electronic Typewriter in College

    Use of Electronic Typewriter in College
    I first used my college roomate's electronic typewriter to write a paper in college. It made my life a lot easier.
  • World Wide Web

    World Wide Web
    Spent hours at a computer surfing the web. It taught me to consider my time spent on computers and how to use timee effectively. It also taught me self-control.
  • Desktop Computer

    Desktop Computer
    Used a desktop computer for lesson plans. This helped make my job easier.
  • Blackboard

    Took an online course for my masters. I was able to take a class even though I had small children at home.
  • Web Cam

    Web Cam
    Got a web cam for Christmas and was able to connect with family during a holiday I was unable to attend in Buffalo.
  • iPad

    Received an iPad for use in the classroom. It engaged my students and it helped me to be more organized with calendar, shopping lists, and apps to make my life easier.