Platonic Academy
The Platonic Academy has been cited by historians as the first higher learning institution in the Wester world. Plato begins a new movement in education -
Jan 29, 1440
Gutenberg Printing Press
Johannes Gutenberg developed the printing press. This creates massive increase in access to books and knowledge -
Jan 29, 1450
Is a book that serves as primer for study -
Jan 29, 1564
Graphite is Discovered
Significant event because graphite was later used as a core for pencils -
Teachers had no ways to present lesson or a problem to the class as a whole; they went to each student and wrote the assignment or problem on the students slates. Therefore in 1801 James Pillans, is credited with inventing the first modern blackboard.One of the biggest inventions in terms of educational technology. -
First Modern Distance Course
Pitman a qualified teacher decided to start a distance course and was sending assignments to his students by mail and they completed the assignments and sent it back to him -
The Typewriter
Christopher Latham Sholes was the first inventor to be commercially successful. It allowed for expansion and sped up communication. -
Telephone was invented
Alexander Graham Bell invented the electrical speech machine which is now know as the modern telephone. -
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Radio Education
In 1920 the Radio Division of the U.S. Department of Commerce began to license commercial and educational stations.Soon schools, colleges, departments of education, and commercial stations were providing radio programming to schools. -
Mechanic Testing Machine
Sidney Pressey, an educational psychology professor at Ohio State university , developed this machine to provide drill and practice items to students in his introductory classes. Student pressed the key and the machine recorded the answer on a counter to the back of the machine and revealed the next question. -
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Educational Film in WWII
World War II provided a boost for audiovisual education.The federal government and American industry were faced with the challenging task of providing training for large numbers of military recruits and for new industrial workers. Ways had to be found to train people swiftly and effectively. -
The Filmstrip Projector
Filmstrip projectors allowed teachers to pause presentations for class discussions by turning a knob. -
Ballpoint pen
The first patent for a ballpoint pen was issued in 1888. However, it was not until the 1940s that the ballpoint pen started to gain worldwide recognition as beginning a useful tool tin the classroom and life in general -
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Instructional Television
Instructional television was the focus of attention during the 1950s and the 1960s. -
The whiteboard became popular in the classrooms because of its convenience. -
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Computer Education
The appearance of microcomputers, that many educators and public officials became enthusiastic about computers. By January 1983, computers were being used for instructional purposes in 40% of all elementary schools and 75% of all secondary schools in the United States. Computers made existing tasks easier to perform -
The Internet
In 1973, the first international connections were made to ARPANET. It allowed people to share information and research data over long distances. Now the internet is one of the most useed tools by students. They use it to find information and assist them with school work. -
Personal Computer
The first introduction of the personal computer was in 1975 and it quickly became popular. It was called Altair 880 and it lead the way for personal computers -
Much more interactive form of learning in the classrooms. -
The iPad is released by Steve Jobs. Transforming the way we teach and learn. -
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The Future
We have no idea what is in store for the future. But I cannot wait for it to arrive. Ideas I came up with are Paperless classroom,Holographic teaching, and Virtual reality field trips. The possbilities are endless.