
History of the agrarian revolution.

By idc24
  • First steam engine

    First steam engine
    In 1698 Thomas Savery who is both an engineer and inventor, invented the first steam engine. His machine could effectively draw out water from flooded mines using steam pressure. This meant that the miners could get into the mines, and mine out coal. Which led to coal being used as a form of power.
  • Jethro Tull seed drill

    Jethro Tull seed drill
    Jethro Tull invented his horse drawn seed drill in 1701. The machine's purpose was to drill three holes for three rows of seed at a time, to correct the depth, plant the seeds, and covered them in soil all in one action.
  • 4 crop rotation

    4 crop rotation
    In 1730 Charles Townshend the new method on his farm, that later on became known as the four field system. He grew wheat in the first field, barley in the second, root vegetables in the third, and clover in the fourth. They were rotated each season, so field was fallow and they were all high in minerals and nutrients. This method saved time, so the farmers and landowners had more free time.
  • General enclosure movement

    General enclosure movement
    In 1801 the parliament passed the general enclosure act, which meant that richer people bought the land, then pushed out farmers. Some rented out the land, but few farmers could afford it.
  • Mechanical reaper

    Mechanical reaper
    In 1831 Cyrus McCormick invented the mechanical reaper. This invention had allowed the farmers to harvest wheat quicker, and with much less labour and force needed.