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History of Technology

  • Period: to

    Twenty Years of Technology Advancements

  • Glass Fiber Optics

    Glass Fiber Optics
    In 1970, Corning Glass made the first optic fibers. The new materal was so fine it could transmit pulses of light. Soon after this, GTE and AT&T would begin sound and image experiments using the optical fiber.
  • Video Games and Atari

    Video Games and Atari
    Noland Bushnell's game Pong has become extremely popular. Bushnell will soon go on to found Atari.
  • Barcodes

    First bar-coded products arrive in U.S. stores. Checkout scanners read the codes with laser technology, rendering keyboard cash-registers obsolete.
  • The Birth Of Microsoft

    The Birth Of Microsoft
    Bill Gates and Paul Allen, old friends, create a partnership, known as Microsoft, to write software. First sold to Ed Roberts at MIT, producer of Altair 8800, the first microprocessor-based computer. Gates drops out of Harvard.
  • Super Computers

    Super Computers
    Cray Reserach Inc. introduces the Cray-1. Performing operations at 240,000,000 calculations per second, it is definitely considered super at this point in time. Later models will be capable of 1,200,000,000 calculations per second.
  • Human-Powered Flight

    Human-Powered Flight
    Cyclist Byron Allen crosses the English Channel in the pedal-powered aircraft Gossamer Alvatrss. The flight takes 2 hours, 49 minutes, and wins a (Sterling)100,000 prize for it's crew, headed by one Dr. Paul MacCready. Made of Mylar, polystyrene, and carbon-fiber rods, the Albatross has a wingspan of 93 feet, 10 inches, but weighs only roughly 70 pounts.
  • Space Shuttle

    Space Shuttle
    NASA successfully launches and lands a reusable spacecraft. The shuttle can be used many ways, ranging form launch to retrieval and repair, and as a lab. The shuttle program will suffer in 1986 when the Challenger shuttle explodes soon after takeoff, killing all on board.
  • Artificial Hearts

    Artificial Hearts
    Dr. Robert Jarvik implants the first heart into another doctor: Barney Clark. Dr. Clark survives for 112 days.
  • The PC

    The PC
    IBM, the dominator of the PC market benefits from production as well as "clones" from other companies.
  • Genetic Engineering

    Genetic Engineering
    USDA approves permision to sell GMO's. The industry will seek out many patents, including one for tomato shipping.
  • Apple VS Microsoft

    Apple VS Microsoft
    Apple sues Microsoft for alleged piracy. The claim fails, and Microsoft continues to gain fame. Thus begins the long, bitter war between the companies.
  • Hubble Telescope

    Hubble Telescope
    The Hubble Telescope is launched 350 miles above Earth. Initial flaws limit capabilities, but the Telescope will, in the future, be responsible for a great deal of discoveries.