Nedladdning (3)

History of technology

  • The first drawing of a computer

    The first drawing of a computer
    Charles babbage was a English mathematician, and was the one who drawed the first computer called "the mechanical analysis machine". He never got to finish the machine.
    Before the analysis machine, Babbage had designed an advanced calculator, the difference machine, to calculate and print mathematical tables automatically
  • First sound recording and reproducing machine

    First sound recording and reproducing machine
    Phonograph is a machine for recording and reproducing sound. The sound is stored as tracks on a cylinder. The phonograph was invented by Thomas Edison in 1877
  • John von Neumann

    John von Neumann
    Was a Hungarian mathematician and computer pioneer, from 1930 operations in the United States. - John von Neumann was one of the most important theorists behind modern computer technology. It is named after the von Neumann architecture, which he applied to the design of the "Edvac †" computer.
  • The first progammable computer

    The first progammable computer
    One of them was the first fully automatic, programmable electronic computer (Z3) developed by a German named Konrad Zuse. It was destroyed during bombings in Berlin in 1943. By that time computers where mainly wanted for use in war.
  • Alan Turing

    Alan Turing
    English mathematician and computer pioneer (1912—1954). - In 1936, Alan Turing described a theoretical model of a computer program and a computer, what is now called a Turing machine. He did this in a mathematical-logical essay on the so-called stop problem.
  • First computer mouse

    First computer mouse
    Douglas Engelbart was born in 1925 and created the first electronic, external mouse for a computer.
  • The world wide webb

    The world wide webb
    Tim Berner-lee was the one who created the world wide web. From the beginning, the Internet was about getting computer networks to communicate.
  • Bluetooth was created

    Bluetooth was created
    The project was started by Nild Rydbäck and Johan Ullman who got the idea about a "optimal short link standard" for transmitting signals between computers to headsets, mouses and other wireless devices.