History of technology- 17leea1

By 17leea1
  • 200


    The Abacus was a very useful device, it was used for calculating sums, like a calculator, it has been mostly used by asians. The abacus has been replace by the calculator.
  • Phone/Telegraph

    Elisha Gray and Alexander Graham bell invented the first ever phone ever, it was a huge success, the only usage is communication, unlike the modern smart phones we have now.
  • Typewriter

    The typewriter is used for many things, it was created so we don't need to write
  • Z1 Computer

    Z1 Computer
    The Z1 was one of the first computers ever, it was used to read Boolean logic.
  • Brown Box game console

    Brown Box game console
    It was one of the earliest game consoles. It has only six simple games. Ping pong, tennis, handball, volleyball, chase game and light gun game.
  • Kenbak-1

    It was considered the first PC by the computer history museum, It was created by John Blankenbaker, but it was a complete fail. At 1973, Kenbak corporation folded after only selling 40 computers
  • Macintosh 128K

    Macintosh 128K
    It was the first ever affordable computer to have a Graphical user interface, but it was still pretty expensive, it was originally sold at $2495.
  • DynaTAC 8000x

    DynaTAC 8000x
    It was one of the first hand held mobile phones, it was used to communicate, but it was very costy, it was$3995.
  • IBM Simon

    IBM Simon
    It was the first “smartphone”, it is touch screen, but it is not advanced as Iphone or Samsung, it has maps, games etc.
  • NDS

    NDS is a very successful product, the bottom screen is touch screen, on the NDS you could play a variety of games like pokemon and Mario.