History of Technology

  • Difference Engine

    Difference engine was a strict calculator which means that it would only work the way you set it. Example:
    If you set the machine to add in 2’s then it will do that in a repeat order.
  • Television

    For home entertainment and this is small enough to watch it at home
  • Digital Camera

    This digital camera was able to take photos and you could also view them. From this invention everyone was then able to make better quality cameras.
  • Colossus

    Colossus helped break the Enigma code and the allies knew about the Germans and their plans before the Germans did their plans.
  • Standards Eastern Automatic Computer

    Standards Eastern Automatic Computer
    Russell A. Kirsch created a computer which was programmed internally.
  • GPS

    For traveling use
  • Mobile phone

    Martin Cooper made a portable phone and made communication easier all over the world.
  • Touch screen Gadget

    Touch screen Gadget
    Easier usage of items such as phones TV screens etc.
  • Digital Toaster

    For toasting breads without you having to stand next to the toaster until the breads have been toasted.
  • Computer

    This was made straight after the colossus and this was very huge.