History of Technology

  • 200


    Used by the Babylonians as an adding machine.
  • 300

    Binary Number System

    Binary Number System
  • Sep 4, 724


    Made By Liang Ling- Can to tell time.
  • Sep 4, 1450

    Moving Printing Press

    Moving Printing Press
    Johnn Gutenbergmade this to print off books, newspapers as a way as a entertainment
  • Sep 4, 1500

    Ball Bearings

    Ball Bearings
    Leonardo da Vinci used these in order to hold wheels and axles
  • Sep 4, 1500

    Pocket Watch

    Pocket Watch
    Peter Henlein invented it to tell time on the go.
  • Thermometer

    Galileo Galilei invented it to see the temperture outside
  • Telescope

    Hans Lippershey wanted to see what stars.
  • Franklin Stove

    Franklin Stove
    Heat the room effectively
  • Hot air Balloon

    Hot air Balloon
    The Montgolfier brothers used it for Military Purpose
  • Steamboat

    A way of transportation invented by John Fitch and Robert Fulton
  • Electric Motor

    Electric Motor
    Michael Faraday invented to convert electrical energy to mechanical energy
  • Train

    Invented by Julius Griffiths as a way of transportation
  • Punch Cards

    Punch Cards
    Semen Korsakov used it to store infomation
  • Boolean Algebra

    Boolean Algebra
    George Boole invented it so later it could be used for computer proggraming
  • Pratical logic machine

    Pratical logic machine
    William Stanley Jevons develops this early version of a calulator.
  • Calulator

    Made to do calulations
  • Desk Calulator

    Desk Calulator
    TO move the Calulator into homes and offices
  • Radio

    A lot of guys Guglielmo Marconi, Nikola Tesla, Alexander Popov, Sir Oliver Lodge, Reginald Fessenden, Heinrich Hertz, Amos Dolbear, Mahlon Loomis, Nathan Stubblefield and James Clerk Maxwell all invented parts that combined make up the radio.
  • Invention of Apparatus for Treating Air

    Invention of Apparatus for Treating Air
    Inventor- Willis Carrier
    (An ancestor of Air Conditioning)
    To cool air and lower humidity down to 55%
  • The first electronic dishwasher on the market

    The first electronic dishwasher on the market
    Inventor- The Walker Brothers
    To electronically clean dishes in a household with heat to remove germs.
  • Herbert Hoover’s face first seen on screen

    Herbert Hoover’s face first seen on screen
    Inventor of the television- Vladimir Kosma Zworykin, and Philo Taylor Farnsworth.
    He was seen on TV for a public announcement.
  • Introduction of Electric Typewriter

    Introduction of Electric Typewriter
    Invented by International Business Machines (IBM).
    A typewriting device to make characters “so neat and exact as not to be distinguished from print”.
  • First commercial camera made by Canon “Hansa Canon”

    First commercial camera made by Canon “Hansa Canon”
    Inventor- Canon; Goro Yoshida, Saburo Uchida, and Takeo Maeda
    A high-grade 35mm rangefinder camera.
  • Introduction of First Electronic Computer

    Introduction of First Electronic Computer
    Inventor- Atanasoff-Berry Computer (ABC)
    Used for binary arithmetic.
  • Introduction of First Vacuum-tube Programmable Logic Calculator

    Introduction of First Vacuum-tube Programmable Logic Calculator
    Inventor- Tommy Flowers
    Used to break Nazi codes.
  • First use/invention of the Credit Card

    First use/invention of the Credit Card
    Inventor- American Express.
    A card used for charging money to an accumulative amount.
  • Introduction of UNIVAC 1

    Introduction of UNIVAC 1
    Inventor- T. Raymond Thompson and John Simmons
    Designed for U.S. business to use magnetic tape storage instead of punch cards.
  • Introduction of Floppy Disk

    Introduction of Floppy Disk
    Inventor- IBM researchers led by Alan Shugart
    Used to store data.
  • Electronic Mail (Email)

    Electronic Mail (Email)
    Exchnage digital messages
  • Video Game Console

    Video Game Console
  • Laptop Portabale COmputer

    Laptop Portabale COmputer
    Portable Personal use computer
  • Apple IIE Personal Computer

    Apple IIE Personal Computer
    Personal use computer
  • CD-ROM Drive

    CD-ROM Drive
    Used to store data
  • First Home Computer

    First Home Computer
    First personal use computer
  • World Wide Web

    World Wide Web
    Access information
  • Smartphone

    Make calls, play games, and access the Internet
  • Flash Drive

    Flash Drive
    Store data
  • Facebook

    social networking