School hose

Key Dates in the History of Teaching in America

By eolsen3
  • Jan 1, 1565

    First School House Established in America

    First School House Established in America
    The first school house was established in St. Augustine Florida and still stand today. This shows that education was important to early settlers. People sometime think that it was the Pilgrims and Puritans that started education in America. The first school was started by Spaniards.
  • Massachusetts Bay Colony Compulsory Education Law

    Massachusetts Bay Colony Compulsory Education Law
    The Massachusetts Law of 1642 is the time that the government said both boys and girl must have an education. This law is important because it shows that the American government was starting to see that no matter what the parents thought they were required to educate boys and girls. This law was not followed well but it started to show that the government was getting involved in education.
  • Period: to

    National Public Schools Expand

    The population increased with immigrants from Europe and other countries. The government wrote more laws for education on high school and elementary requirements. The country saw more one room school houses and female teachers. This is important because the government was offering education to more people across the country.
  • Brown vs. Board Education 1954

    Brown vs. Board Education 1954
    Supreme Court rules that segregation is illegal. Integration of school begins. Important date because before that African Americans didn't get a chance to have a good education or college preparation. This meant that they couldn't get better jobs to support themselves and their families.
  • No Child Left Behind Act

    No Child Left Behind Act
    No Child Left Behind is a federal law that holds all school and teachers in the nation responsible for making sure that every student including immigrants, students with disabilities and other problems get a good education. This was important because many students need extra attention and different types of teaching in order to learn. In the past they could be put in a special education room and not really learn anything.