There was not a lot of education during this time. However, the people that were taught, were royals, rich, and upper class. Lower class were only taught after the royals/ upper class were taught, if they were lucky enough to be tought at all. -
Boston Latin
Boston Latin was the first established school in Massachusetts. After this school was made, a bunch of other schools for women, and other schools were made just for men. In Massachusetts and Virginia, every 50+ families an elementary school was made, and every 100+ families a school for boys (Latin grammar school) was made. Writing, religion, and reading was taught. -
1800's Education
Most teachers that weren't men were unmarried women because, it was taught that married women had to stay home. In fact, some schools banned married women from working. It was normal for one teacher to teach grades 1-8 in the same classroom, and most students only went about 78 days out of the whole year. -
1800's continued
In this era, teacher were taken more seriously. Around the 1840's teachers got pay, and if they got paid before, the pay was higher, had at have a certificate for teaching. Around 1857 the Nation Teaching Association was formed. -
Discipline in the 1800's
Since the classrooms were so small, it was important for discipline, and teachers had methods that are not acceptable in today's world. Such as, hitting students with rulers or other objects like a rod, getting whipped (naked or bare bum) in front of most of the town (sometimes), and a hat that basically said Idiot in order to humiliate the student(s). -
1900's Edcuation
Most families that weren't "rich" had to have the entire family work, including the children. Which meant children had to work in mines, mills, or factories and go to school, when parents just had to work. Schools were still segregated, and black teachers were paid extremely low salaries. School years were very short, in the South they were an average of 21 days total. In America only about 50%of students 5-19 attended school. Attire was very different at this time than what it is now. -
1900's Education continued
How teachers punished students was more physical than anything, such as spanking, whipping, lashing, paddled, and had their palms or knuckles whacked with a ruler. However, there were also punishments like detention and suspension that occurred. Some students had to travel far in order to attend school. "Open-air schooling" was a popular thing, especially with students that had health problems, mainly with their lungs. -
Discipline in the 1900's
Some teachers would still use the ruler to smack children's palms or knuckles. But, the majority of teachers would use other tactics. Such as, standing on one leg, writing several lines, hold a heavy book above their head, or stand in the corner facing the wall (usually in front of a window so other students could see them). -
2000's Education
Teaching was taken a lot more serious, and around this time and the late 90's is when people would go to college to become a teacher. There was not just/ mainly females as teachers either, there were men trying to become a teacher as well. In this time all, if not most schools were no longer separated. School transportation was given, to some/ most schools. The school year was a lot longer than it has been. -
Discipline in the 2000's
All if not most schools stopped using physical harmful ways to punish students. The most common ways of punishment would be detention, suspension, can not take part in any clubs/ organizations, and sports.