
History of Tea Into the Modern World - Caffeine Science

By mwellme
  • 2737 BCE

    Beginning of Tea

    According to Legend, Emperor Shen Nung was sitting under a tree while his servant boiled drinking water. Dried leaves from the Camellia Sinensis tree fell into the pot and infused with the water, creating the first tea infusion.
  • 206


    Containers of tea were found in tombs dating from the Han Dynasty.
  • Period: 618 to 906

    Tang Dynasty

    Tea became firmly established as the national drink of China.
  • Period: 960 to 1279

    A New Recipe

    Whipped powdered tea became fashionable during the Song Dynasty, but unfortunately disappeared after the Yuan Dynasty.
  • Period: 1279 to 1368

    Tea Innovation

    Chinese people became accustomed to drinking steeped tea leaves.
  • Period: 1550 to

    Spread of Tea

    Tea spread among Europe, mostly to Portuguese people who lived as traders and missionaries.
  • Tea Importation

    First to ship back tea to Europe as a commercial import were the Dutch. The first consignment of tea was shipped from China to Holland via Java.
  • Imports to Britain

    The East India company began to import tea into Britian with a first order of 100 lbs. of China Tea, shipped from Java.
  • Taxes and Adulteration

    High taxes on tea brought about smuggling and adulteration of tea in Britian. People were unable to afford the expensive prices.
  • Smuggling and Adulteration Continue

    Tea smuggling and adulteration involved a higher volume of tea than legally imported amount.
  • Boston Tea Party

    A protest against tea duties that sparked the American war of Independence. This led to the USA becoming an independent nation instead of a group of British colonies.
  • British Government

    Slashed taxes and made tea more affordable. Smuggling came to an end.
  • Monopoly on Tea

    East India Company's monopoly on tea came to an end, resulting to growth of tea in British colonies.
  • Thomas Sullivan

    A New York tea merchant, started to send samples of his tea to customers. He developed the first tea bags.
  • Tea Bag Development

    Tea bags were developed for commercial production.
  • Today

    Tea is the most widely consumed beverage in the world after water. China, India, and Kenya are top producing companies of Tea.