History of tea

  • Period: to

    Opium consumption rose rapildy in China

  • Tea monopole

  • Chinese emperor destroys opium stocks

    Chinese emperor destroys opium stocks
  • Period: to

    First Opium war against China

  • Debate in the House of Commons

  • Afternoon tea

    Afternoon tea
  • The Chinese were forced to sign a treaty that granted Great Britain opium traffic

    The Chinese were forced to sign a treaty that granted Great Britain opium traffic
    Treaty of Nanking :
    Treaty of peace and commerce between her Majesty the Queen of Great Britain, Ireland and the Emperor of China
  • Robert Fortune returns from China with tea seeds, plants, tools, and Chinese workmen

    Robert Fortune returns from China with tea seeds, plants, tools, and Chinese workmen
  • Second Opium war against China begins

  • Queen Victoria started to formalize afternoon tea with her Buckingham Palace tea reception

    Queen Victoria started to formalize afternoon tea with her Buckingham Palace tea reception
  • Suez Canal opens, that as shortening the trip to China. It’s making steamships more economical.

    Suez Canal opens, that as shortening the trip to China.  It’s making steamships more economical.
  • Chinese tea trade peaks worldwide