Jan 1, 1400
early 1400s Zheng He
Zheng He was a Chinese navigator who led travels throughout Southeast Asia and the Indian Ocean. With the huge fleets, He went all the wy to East Africa, which was a century before Europeans did the same journey. As they continued to explore and trade, China became a dominnant colonial power. -
Mar 1, 1433
end of Zheng He's Voyages
Chinese stopped their navel voyages, which resulted China turning inward quickly. China also lost dominant colonial power, so they were vulnerable. -
Mar 1, 1550
Ming decline late 1500s
Ming dynasty declines in late 1500s. Before was highly centralized political structure by Hongwu and Yunglo. Last two centuries of Ming dynasty were ruled poorly due to offical corruption and weak rulers . -
Ming declines/Qing rises
Ming had internal problems in 1600s with starvation and peasant revolts against useless Ming rulers. In 1644, Ming emperor asks a group of Qing warriors for help with peasant uprising. But the Qing revolted against Ming emperor and began ruling until 1911. -
Kangxi-Manchu ruler
Ruled from 1661 to 1722 who conquered Taiwan and expanded the empire into Mongolia, central Asia, and Tibet. He also supported Chinese arts and traditions even though he was not ethinically Chinese. -
Qianlong emperor
chief successor of Manchu emperor who supported Chinese traditions and arts even though he was not ethnically Chinese. he added Vietnam, Burma, and Nepal to the states of China.
ruled from 1735 to 1796
confucian scholar -
trade with Manchus
Even though the Manchus traded with Europeans in the beginning of 1700s, Christianity was banned in 1724. By 1757, trade was restricted to just the city Canton. Europeans bought abundant amount of tea, silk & porcelain, which merchants gained silver. -
opium introduced
in 1773, British traders introduced opium to China. Opium is a drug that dissembodies mind from body, which is where heroine comes from. Opuim was destructive to China's people. -
White lotus Rebellion
Becuase China's governement was weak, they also started to rebel against China's governemnt. internal rebellion in beginning 19th century led by Buddhists who were mad about the tax and government corruption -
1st Opium War
From 1839-1842, the 2 countries - China & Britian- fought a war over the Opuim trade . but China was forced to sign the TREATY OF NANJING or "unequal treaties" for Britian received rights to expand trade with China to create more opuim addicts. . -
Taiping Rebellion
middle of 19th century, the Taipings were led by a religious zealot(maniac) claiming to be brother of Jesus. he created an army that almost succeeded in bringing down Mnachu government -
2nd Opium war
When china did not want to open more trade with Britian, this caused the 2 countries to have a second Opium was for 4 years. China was defeated again, which China now opened all trade to Europeans- European imperialism. -
sefl-strengthening Movement
Manchu Dynasty tried to get their act together, but they did not succeed. -
Korea & China
Korea noticed China was weak, so they declared independence on China. -
Sino-French War
in the Sino-French war in 1883, the chineselost control of vietnam to the French. The french then made a colony thta was called French Indochina. A decade later, China were defeated in Sino-Jaapanese war, which Japan was rising with imperial power -
Treaty of Shimonoseki
China is forced t hand over control of Taiwan and allow Japanese trading rights like the way China was forced with Europeans. Japan even defeated the Koreans and took all conrol of peninsula -
Open Door policy
United States worried over China, so they created the Open Door Policy. the US pleged its support to Chinese government & allowed equal trade rights among us & Europe. -
Spheres of influence
European powers wanted China. France, Germany, Russia, & Britian, which they carved up a huge slice for themselves. not colonies but areas for European military base, setting up bussiness, & transportation. awkwardly, Manchu Dynasty stilled had government authority within spheres. -
Boxer Rebellion
Boxers were Anti-Manchu, Anti-Europeam, Anti-Christian & Soceity of Righteous & Harmonious Fists. their goal was to drive Europeans & Japanese out of China. they did this by killling Christian missionaries & controlled foreign missions, but they were not successful. -
End of Manchu Dynasty
Because China could not prevent reforms to helpdynasty, China crumbled. in 1901, foot binding was abolished. by 1905, Civil Service Exam was taken out after 2,000 years of history. IMperial rule ended in 1911, which had China establish into a republic.