Dr Hermann Brandt was an eminent Swiss biologist. It was through his work in practical application of scientific knowledge in the sphere of physical activities that the idea of Tchoukball had its foundation. After writing the book 'From Physical Education to Sport Through Biology', Dr Brandt presented his now famous paper 'Critical Scientific Review of Team Sports'. This won him the coveted award of 'Thulin Prize', presented at the University of Lisbon on August 16th 1970. -
https://www.ldcsb.on.ca/Programs/recreationprogram/Tchoukball/Documents/Tchoukball%20Rules.pdf RULE OF THREES: *The player with the ball has 3 seconds before he must pass to a teammate or shoot. *The player with the ball is only allowed to take 3 steps before he must pass to a teammate or shoot.*The team with possession is allowed a max of 3 passes before shooting.*Either team may shoot at either rebound surface, but the two teams combined may not shoot at the same frame 3 times in a row. -
Federation Internationale de Tchoukball Founded
Governed by the Féderation Internationale de Tchoukball (FITB) founded in 1971. Tchoukball has become an international sport, played in Brazil, Canada, China, the Czech Republic, Great Britain, Hong Kong, India, Italy, Japan, Macau, Philippines, Singapore, Switzerland, Taiwan, and the United States. -
Video Examples
video of tchoukball in schools https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ixYHi4_tnAg Have fun watching some AMAZING HIGHLIGHTS!!
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GT2BrFCdAIs -
Growing Popularity
First world tchoukball championship held in 1984
Overall winner: Repbublic of China First emmergance in elementary schools and grew into middle, high school, and college populations. Today, Tchoukball is no longer just another new team game to be regarded with doubt and suspicion. It is being played in most parts of the world with much energy, and enthusiasm, varying levels of skill, but above all with a great deal of enjoyment.