History of sports medicine

By rshelby
  • Discovery of the affects of metabolism

    Discovery of the affects of metabolism
    Santorio Santorius began studying how activities affect metabolism.
  • Finding the connection between health and movement

    Bernardino Ramazzini studies workers in action during the mid-to-late 1600s, establishing a connection between movement and health
  • First research about how exercise affects circulation

    During the 1800s, August Bier and Arlie V. Bock studied how exercise affects circulation.
  • The publishment of the first trainer book

    DR. S.E.Bilik wrote the trainer bible
  • First establish committee

    A small committee, the International Congress of Sports Medicine, was formed in 1928 to help individuals prevent sports injuries.
  • Formation of NATA

    Formation of NATA
    National Athletic Trainer’s Association (NATA) was formed in Kansas City, Missouri to establish professional standards for athletic trainers. Today, NATA has more than 45,000 members worldwide, and the annual NATA Convention sees more than 11,000 attendees with an average of 325 exhibiting companies.
  • Establishment of ACSM

    Establishment of ACSM
    The American College of Sports Medicine (ACSM) was established in 1954. This reputable institution encourages the development of sports medicine via research and education.
  • First team of doctors for Olympic games

    The first official team of physicians was formed during the summer Olympics in 1968. J.C. Kennedy organized the group, which was dubbed the Canadian Academy of Sports Medicine.
  • Establishment of first Orthopedic

    In 1972, the American Orthopedic Society for Sports Medicine (AOSSM) was established to help orthopedic surgeons learn how to better treat and prevent athletic injuries. The association educates physicians around the world about modern approaches to sports medicine.
  • Establishment of AMSSM

    The American Medical Society for Sports Medicine (AMSSM), which is dedicated to education, research, and collaboration of sports medicine, was established in 1991.