
History of Special Education Timeline Assignment

  • Pioneering Special Education

    Pioneering Special Education
    The American School for the Deaf, which opened its doors in 1817, was the nation's first permanent deaf school and a pioneer in offering deaf and hard-of-hearing pupils complete educational programs and services.
  • Awareness in Special Education

    Awareness in Special Education
    In 1896, Rhode Island established the nation's first public special education class. Teachers in public schools began to demand separate classes and trained educators to educate the growing number of students with learning difficulties who were termed "backward" or "feebleminded."
  • The Arc

    The Arc
    The Arc is the biggest community-based organization in the country that works with and on behalf of persons with intellectual and developmental disabilities (IDD) and their families. They put forth a lot of effort to preserve their goal of helping everyone in the United States that live with IDD to have access to the knowledge, support, and abilities required to ensure their lifetime inclusion and involvement in society.
  • Brown v. Board of Education

    Brown v. Board of Education
    The U.S. Supreme Court ruled in Brown v. Board of Education of Topeka (347 U.S. 483), an essential school integration decision from 1954. This decision determined that it was illegal to discriminate against a group of people for arbitrary grounds. The case concluded that providing equitable access to education was a basic responsibility of the executive branch of government.
  • The Worthington Crippled Children’s School

    The Worthington Crippled Children’s School
    The American School for the Deaf, which opened its doors in 1817, was the nation's first permanent deaf school and a pioneer in offering deaf and hard-of-hearing pupils complete educational programs and services.
  • Training of Professional Personnel Act of 1959

    Training of Professional Personnel Act of 1959
    This law was put into action to aid in the preparation of educators for working with students who have learning difficulties. Acts of this sort made it possible for educational funding to be used to support the training of program administrators, teachers of impaired children, and other staff who dealt with disabled children.
  • Learning Disability Association of America

    Learning Disability Association of America
    The goal of LDA is to improve the lives of all people with learning impairments by providing them with support, information, and advocacy. https://ldaamerica.org/educators/
  • Education for All Handicapped Children Act

    Education for All Handicapped Children Act
    This law states that "Each child with a handicap was entitled to a free, suitable public education, or FAPE, under the EHA in every state and region in the nation."
  • No Child Left Behind

    No Child Left Behind
    The law made schools liable for the learning and academic progress of students. Because it penalized schools that didn't show improvement, the bill caused controversy. https://youtu.be/0--2nhsDorg
  • CPIR

    The Center for Parent Information & Resources (CPIR) In order to build products and services that improve Parent Centers' knowledge and capability in certain areas, the CPIR uses a user-centered methodology, collecting the viewpoints of our experienced audience—Parent Center staff members and other experts—along the way.