History of Special Education Timeline

  • 1954 -Brown v. Board of Education

    In the Brown v. Board of Education case the Supreme court ruled that it was illegal to have separate but equal schools. It provided all children equal protection under the 14th amendment and was the beginning of children with disabilities being able to fight for their right to a free and apprpopriate public education.
    http://wwwfutureofchildren.org. Accessed Oct.9,2011
    Hulett, K.E. Legal Aspects of Special Education.Pearson.
  • Elementary and Secondary Education Act ( ESEA)

    President Lyndon Johnson signed the Elementary and Secondary Education Act into effect. This was the first piece of legislation that addressed the inequality of students especially from low income families. President Johnson was hoping to close the gap for educationally deprived children.
    http://sitemaker.unich.edu/356.zipkin. Accessed Oct. 9, 2011
  • Pennsylvania Association for Retarded Children v. Commonwealth of Pennsylvania

    Children were denied educational services who did not have a mental age of 5 years old. This case was the beginning of children recieving an appropriate education for thier learning ability and recieving that education in the least restrictive environment. The state also agreed to provide full access of a free and appropriate education to children with mental diabilities up to age 21.
    http://www.futureofchildren.org. Accessed Oct.9, 2011
  • 1972- Mills v. Board of Education

    Schools were not allowing children to enroll in school because of their disability. In this ruling schools could not decide that they did not have the resources to educate a child and they could not charge a child with special needs more than other students for not havong enough funds for their education. Children with special needs had a right to a public education that would be meaningful to them.
    http://www.futureof children.org. Accessed Oct. 9, 2011
  • Section 504 of Rehabilitation Act

    President Nixon signed into law. Section 504 of Rehabilitation Act protects those with disabilites from being dicriminated against in school, work , or any other setting recieving federal funding.In the school setting Section 504 also protects parents with disabilities stating they have same right as parents without a disability.
    Hulett,K.E. Legal Aspects of Special Education. Pearson
  • 1975 - Education for All Handicapped Children Act

    This is also known as Public Law 94-142. President Gerald Ford signed this into law. It provides an appropriate education tochildren with disabilities. States wanting to recieve Federal funds were required to follow regulations such as free and appropriate education, nondiscriminatory identification and evaluation, an individualized education program, least restricitve environment, due process, and parental participation.
    http://sitemaker.umich.edu/356zipkin. Accessed Oct.9, 2011
  • Board of Education of Hendrick Hudson Central School District v. Rowley

    In this court case the Supreme court basically said that school were not required to provide the maximum services to a child with disabilitites but just the basic services. The parents of Amy Rowley stated that she should have a sign language intepretor and the district said ashe could read lips well enough that an interpretor was not necessary. The districr proved their caseby showing Amy'sprogress through her grades. Unfortunately Amy may have been capable of a lot more but they may never know
  • Individuals with Disabilities Education Act

    This is a law that changed the name "handicapped children" to "children with disabilities." This law also made it possible for students to recieve an education or employment at the age of 16.
    The change in terms has a more positive sound and trhe age change allows children a better chance at gaining the skills they need to hold a job in the future.
    http://sitemaker.umich.edu/356.zipkin. Accessed Oct.9.2011
  • No Child Left Behind

    To ensure that every child recieves a proper education No Child Legt Behind was created. It makes states, school district and educators held more accountable for the success of students. NCLB has a big emphasis on highly qualified educators.The requirements are that at least 95% of students take a standardized test each year. Schools that do not meet the progress standards have items they must do to help the children recieve a better score the next year.
  • New Amendment to IDEA

    President Bush signs new amendment to IDEA. In the new amendment there are requirements for assistance to be provided for infants, toddlers, and chidlren with diabilities. The assiatance includes services and procedural safeguards. There are also grants, technical assistance, educator preparationand proper dissemneation of information to improve special education programs.
    http://sitemaker.umich.edu/356zipkin. Accessed Oct.9, 2011