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History of Special Education & Inclusive Education Timeline

By dianetf
  • American School for the Deaf

    American School for the Deaf
    The American School for the Deaf, which can also be abbreviated as (ASD), was the first school ever that was specifically for students who are deaf. It offers curriculum from pre-school through the twelfth grade. This school gave students who couldn't find the right teachers at other schools the chance at a proper education and in 2021, the ASD has even managed to incorporate its own online schooling for those who are homeschooled, far from West Hartford, Connecticut, and international students.
  • Gallaudet University

    Gallaudet University
    Gallaudet University is a university that serves for gaining more education than just finishing at a 12th grade level. This university allows its deaf & hard of hearing students to learn English and (ASL) as well as study the professions and careers they've always wanted to pursue without backtracking. The university was able to give their students legally awarded degrees because Congress, & the former president at the time, Abraham Lincoln, signed the bill into law.. ensuring academic success.
  • Council for Exceptional Children

    Council for Exceptional Children
    The Council for Exceptional Children is an organization that pursues inclusive education for individuals with disabilities. Their goal is to help children with exceptionalities have a successful & hopeful future. There are volunteering options, high-quality training, & more resources for those who want to help individuals get the best education. Providing strategy workshops, partner solutions, etc.. children are provided with individualized education programs, mental health aid, and more.
  • The Arc of the United States

    The Arc of the United States
    The Arc of the United States is an organization whose goal is to provide awareness & aid for individuals with intellectual & developmental disabilities. This organization was started by a family who wanted to help their children & other children around the U.S. get the best care, education, & awareness for their rights. The organization has a website where the best possible services and support can be found whether educational, financial, etc.
  • Disability Rights Movement

    Disability Rights Movement
    The Disability Rights movement is a movement that's been around since the sixties and is still around today. This movement is all about advocating for equal rights for individuals with disabilities. With the constant support from the movement, it led to the "Americans with Disabilities Act" or (ADA), which prohibits discrimination against those who have disabilities. With this prohibition, schooling, employment, and transportation services have been made more accessible for individuals.
  • Learning Disabilities Assn. of America

    Learning Disabilities Assn. of America
    The Learning Disabilities Association of America or LDA, is a non-profit organization which provides support for families, students, professors, etc. that have specific learning disabilities. Teaching strategies, self-advocacy, and more is offered by the LDA to help these caregivers & educators give students the best services that give assured success when used. LDA also offers help for students entering college, the workforce, or the armed forces.
  • Handicapped Children’s Protection Act

    Handicapped Children’s Protection Act
    The Handicapped Children's Protection Act, also known as (HCPA), is an act that makes sure that children with exceptionalities & their parents are aware of the treatments that are given to their children in school, along with their individualized education plans, etc. This allows for the act to actually "protect" them from any possibilities of rights being violated and/or disability discrimination. The HCPA ensures faculty works with the child in any way possible in order to see improvement.
  • Individuals with Disabilities Edu. Act

    Individuals with Disabilities Edu. Act
    The Individuals with Disabilities Education Act or (IDEA) is an American Public law that states that students with disabilities are given a Free Appropriate Public Education (FAPE). Grants help support special education and services that are for early intervention. Agencies are given the resources to provide education for children. IDEA's services should ensure that students are able to lead successful and independent lives by provide education that'll allow them to seek employment as well.
  • Assistive Technology Act

    Assistive Technology Act
    The Assistive Technology Act serves to make assistive technology readily available for those with disabilities. The Act outlines the importance of bringing awareness to the need for federal funding & aid to help gain access. By making this legal, it is required for programs to be funded federally. The Assistive Technology Act gives individuals the chance to be provided with technology that best fits their needs, allowing there to be more comfort, regarding the disability.
  • Every Student Succeeds Act

    Every Student Succeeds Act
    Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA) is a law passed in the United States stating every student has the opportunity to succeed and the curriculum has to provide an equal opportunity for students. States are given flexible framework allowing goal placement for achieving student success. This law is important to note for students with disabilities because the law states that they have to be given a fair opportunity. States have to develop accountability plans, further allowing for success to occur.