Asylum for Education
Connecticut Asylum for the Education and Instruction of Deaf and Dumb opens in Hartford -
Blind Move Forward!
Samual Gridley Howe openes Perkins Institution for the Blind -
Boston Strong
First public school class for children with hearing impairments opens in Boston -
Feeling Special
The first public school special class was established in Cleveland, Ohio. It was closed shortly after, and in 1896 another one reamerged in several states -
Al & Theo
Alfred Binet and Theodore Simon publish their intelligence test, basis for the modern IQ testing -
The Term mentally retarded and gifted are both beginning to appear in professional literature -
Way to go Leo!
Leo Kanner identifies the characteristics of children with autism! -
Brown v. Board of Education
Allowed parents to challenge the schools about their children not receiving adequate education, along with challenging segregation in the school system. -
Association for Children with Learning Disabilites (LDAA) is organized! -
Coming Together
Students with mild disabilities were allowed to enter the classrooms with students without disabilities. -
Acting Right
Amendments to the 1974 Education for All Handicapted Children Act is enacted -
IDEA Extention
Reauthorization of IDEA services were extended to infants, tots, and 3 year old preschool aged kiddos. -
Reagan Rocks
President Reagan signed the Handicapped Children’s Protection Act, a law that gave parents of children with disabilities more say in the development of their child’s Individual Education Plan, or IEP. -
Americans with Disabilities Act is enacted; EAHCA is amended and renamed the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) -
Added provisions related to transition services, participation by general education teachers, and discipline -
In 2001-2002 they passed No Child Left Behind Act holding schools accountable for their children's outcomes -
A reauthorization of IDEA happened! -
Rosa's Law
President Obama passes law that changed federal language use from mental retardation to intellectual disability