National Defense Education Act
The expansion and the improvement of educational programs to meet critical national needs. -
John F. Kennedy Elected President
When John F. Kennedy (JFK) was elected, he was commited to improving the quality of life for his sister Rosemary, and others like her. Mary was intellectually and developmentally disabled.
JFK established the President's Commission on Mental Retardation, as well as supported the use of federal funds to educate teachers of children with disabilities. -
Civil Rights Act of 1964
Set the stage for advocacy for the Civil Rights of people with disailities. -
Elementary and Secondary Act
Authorized the federal spending on programs to support support schooling for grades K-12 -
Special Olympics Began
Special Olympics History
Eunice Kennedy Shriver began the special olympics in the 1950's and was ofically started in 1968 -
Wolf Wolfenserger articulated the principal of normalization. Normalization is letting people with disabilities have an oppurtunity to lead a life as close to normal as possible. -
Rehabilitation Act of 1973
Requires that public facilities be accessible to people with disabilities. -
Individuals with Disabilities Education Act Passed
President Ford signed legislation P.L.94-142 (Individuals with Disabilities Education Act) or IDEA. This act stated that children ages three to twenty-one with a disability be provided a free abd appropriate public education in the least restrictive environment. -
The Rowley Decision
The first case to reach the Supreme Court after IDEA was passed. Amy Rowley was a deaf child, and her parents were requesting the school have a sign language interpereter so she could fully benefit from schooling. The court desided not to allow it because the school is just supposed to allow "appropriate" education, and because she was still able to get something out of schooling, it was turned down, -
Edudcation of the Handicapped Act
The Americans with Disability Act
George H. W. Bush signed the ADA into law on July 26, 1990. It protects the civil rights of people with disabilities in four major areas: private-sector employment, public services, public accomodations, as well as telecommunications. -
No Child Left Behind
Improved the Elementary and Secondary Act by making sure educational opportunities are available for children from lower income families. -
Regulations Added to IDEA
George W. Bush signed the IDEA act which reauthorized the act, as well as required “highly qualified” special education teachers. -
Americans with Disabilities Act
Changed the definition of "disability" because it was hard to prove with the act in 1990.