Special education

History of Special Education

  • Institution Nationale des Jeunes Aveugles

    Institution Nationale des Jeunes Aveugles
    A school in France who was founded in 1784 by Valentin Hauy, was the first school for the blind in the world. It was also considered one of the first schools to provide for the special education students. He was concerned by the way special students were being taught language and decided to make something that will help in the long run.
  • Brown Vs. The Board of Education

    Brown Vs. The Board of Education
    In the Brown v. Board of Education of Topeka case, the US Supreme Court declared that separate schools for African American and White students are unfair and unconstitutional.This significant ruling emphasizes the influence of the US Supreme Court on modifications to social and national policies.
    Youtube Video:

    The Elementary and Secondary Education act known as ESEA was a public law that supports low-income families with access to a better education. This act allowed these families to have access to free or reduced lunch as well as more teachers for the disadvantaged families. This law helped those students who needed additional support while in public school.
  • Education for all Handicapped Children Act

    Education for all Handicapped Children Act
    The EAH was a public law (94-142) that was passed on in 1975 to protect the rights of children with disabilities and to make sure that their needs are met not only for the children but for the family as well.
  • The Learning Disabilities foundation

    The Learning Disabilities foundation
    The learning disabilities foundation was a charity that was created in 1979 providing funds to the research and education to promote public awareness to people with disabilities. The Foundation's goals include supporting philanthropic, scientific, literary, or educational endeavors as well as accurately identifying, continuously assessing, fully educating, and serving individuals and children with learning difficulties.
  • Hendrick Hudson Dist. Bd. Of Ed. V. Rowley

    Hendrick Hudson Dist. Bd. Of Ed. V. Rowley
    This case was the first case heard by the Supreme Court right after legislation was passed. It was the Supreme Courts first EHA case which was about a deaf students parents who asked for an interpreter for their child and was denied of that request. Since the student was doing "so well" academically the court overruled the request because the appropriate education would only be given if the IEP was "reasonably calculated to confer educational benefit".
  • ADA

    This act allowed everyone, even people with disabilities to be fully included into our society. They created and provided resources for people with down syndrome and other disabilities.
  • IDEA

    This law guarantees that instruction for disabled pupils is tailored to meet their specific requirements. (was modified by the Individuals with Disabilities Education Improvement Act and was known as the Education for All Handicapped Children Act)
    Website Link: https://www.parentcenterhub.org/idea/
  • No Child Left Behind Act

    No Child Left Behind Act
    The "No Child Left Behind Act" was an act promoted by the US President at the time George W. Bush. This act reauthorized the Elementary and Secondary Education Act to include Title I to disadvantaged students. It guarantees the quality of public education to all children including the special needs.
  • Full Founding Act

    Full Founding Act
    The KOP Act paved the way for full funding of IDEA and other special education programs for kids with exceptional needs. They would be in a least restrictive setting with access to all services and other supports they may require. Additionally, it enables teachers to communicate with one another on the actions required for kids to succeed academically.