History of Special Education

  • Plessy vs. Ferguson

    Plessy vs. Ferguson
    The supreme court made a decision of racial segregation whivh was under the seperate but equal doctrine. This implied a legal seperation between whites and colored.students were treated differently based on their color.
  • Brown v. Board

    Brown v. Board
    The brown v. Board education act is for students that are african american will have the same education as any other student. Segregation of white and colored children going to different schools had a major impact on african american students. Therefore the act of brown v. Board came in to make sure they get equal education. A little bit after this act passed parents that have children with disabilities brought lawsuits to do the same for their children.
  • Elementary and secondary education act

    Elementary and secondary education act
    This law was initiated so that students who come from disadvantaged backgrounds will have an equal opportunity to the public education system. It allowed states to create and improve programs for studnents with disabilities such as free and reduced lunch and breakfast for those that cannot afford it
  • Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act

    Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act
    The section 504 is a civil rights law that ensures students with disabilities have the right accommodations and modifications that they need. This law assures students with disablities that are in a general education class have a timely referral and receive the same evaluation as other students.
  • Educational Amendments Act

    Educational Amendments Act
    This law was founded to grant federal funds to iniate programs for exceptional learners such as gifted students. These students have special needs just like students with disanilities. This act ensures these students receive the correct placement and also receive equal and fair treatment
  • Education for all Handicapped children

    Education for all Handicapped children
    This act ensured that students that are handicapped received one free meal each school day and also received an education. A lesson plan must be created for each of these students. This act was designed for parents to have the exclusive seek method to seek remedies to any obstacle in the way of their disabled child not receiving the correct education.
  • Individuals with disabilities education

    Individuals with disabilities education
    This act was passed so that students with disabilities can have the same acces to a free education just like other children. It includes parent involvement where they are able to challenge decisions on their childrens education.it has a confidentiality protection where the school has rhe responsibility to protect the confidentiality of the student.
  • American with disabilities (ADA)

    American with disabilities (ADA)
    This law prohibited against discrimination towards individuals with disabilities. Americans with disabilities should be treated equally for employment, transportation and education.
  • No child left behind

    No child left behind
    The NCLB goal was to provide equal educational opportunities for disadvantaged students. Schools gave students annual testing, they had to set targets for improvement and set accomodations on statewide tests the NCLB was for students that are in poverty, minority groups receiving special education services and for those who speak and understand a limited amount of english
  • Assistive technology Act

    Assistive technology Act
    This act is to assist students with disabilities to better understand technology. The goal of this act is so that students with disiabilities can have the access to fully participate with the help of assistive technology in looking for employment or having an education online.