
History of Special Education

  • Elementary Secondary Education Act

    Elementary Secondary Education Act
    The ESEA was created with the purpose of distributing federal funds to low-income schools. Federal funding aid in the support of new educational programs, materials, and highly qualified staff. The ESEA changed special education as there were more funds to invest in programs or teachers that could perform individual work according to every kid's necessity.
  • Diana V. State Board of Education

    Diana V. State Board of Education
    The court ruled that students assess for intellectual disability must be tested in their first/primary language to determine their placement in special education. This case benefited kids who been mistakenly placed in the wrong education program or did not get the attention they deserve due to poor understanding since English is not their first language.
  • Education of the Handicapped Children Act

    Education of the Handicapped Children Act
    It made mandatory that all public schools accept federal funds to provide equal access to education and one free meal to all children with physical or mental disabilities. This act now allows less privileged schools to provide kids with a disability with better resources to have a good quality education. Citation:
  • Hendrick Hudson school V. Rowley

    Hendrick Hudson school V. Rowley
    The fist case on special education to reach U.S Supreme court. It ruled out that students under special education must receive personalized public school programs that fit their needs. Lower courts have then the ability to decide over or modify those needs.
    Every student in special education is unique and so must be his education. Educational programs are now created with the means to be modified for every student that needs it .
  • Irving Independent School District V. Tatro

    Irving Independent School District V. Tatro
    Act began when the student Amber was denied assistance to go to the restroom. Now it is stated that when a service is necessary and assistance is being denied the student is not receiving the adequate education he/she deserves; therefore, schools should provide the service by the physician in charge or by someone with less training than the physician.
    Public schools can provide the assistance required to special education students, so their necessities are not an obstacle in quality education.
  • Burlington school Committee V. Department of Education

    Burlington school Committee V. Department of Education
    It is stated that under Education for all Handicapped Children act, students with disabilities must receive free and good quality public education and that if for some reason their parents find the education inappropriate for their kids they would receive reimbursement for placing their child in a private school. Under this act, parents are able to participate in the creation of individualized education programs in public schools. Financial aid is not a problem in public special education.
  • Larry P. V. Wilson Riles

    Larry P. V. Wilson Riles
    The court ruled that no IQ tests are to be used to determine whether or not African American students should be placed under special education for students with mental disabilities.This case was due to a lawsuit where African American students experienced discrimination when they were classified in the EMR(Educable Mental Retardation ). IQ tests should not be used on African American students to test any disability. Race is not a factor used anymore to assign a child to special education.
  • No Child Left Behind

    No Child Left Behind
    Act requires mandatory progress on all students including students with disabilities from public schools that receive federal funding in math and reading. Students must have qualified teachers in every subject area and must receive assessments in certain grades to meet academic standards.
    This act ensures that special education students are receiving the education they deserve through their progress.
  • Arlington Central School District Board of Education V. Murphy

    Arlington Central School District Board of Education V. Murphy
    It supports IDEA which states that good quality special education should be provided to all students that need it.If not, government must pay for the students' private school.
  • American with Disabilities Act Amendments of 2008

    American with Disabilities Act Amendments of 2008
    It revised the definition of disability to a broader classification. The act included students with impairments that limit a major life activity.
    This act benefited children who were excluded from special education and who need to be under such an educational program.